Latest News – Page 452

  • News

    Concrete solutions


    HamidReza Hassanli, Ehsan Emamifard Naeeni and Mansoureh Hasanzadeh discuss their experiences with self-compacting concrete

  • Battle lines: someone seems to have forgotten that the US is a major exporter of goods. Credit: Gage Skidmore

    New year heralds change


    COMMENT: The world order of things has changed, populism has thrown politics and economics into a new mixing bowl, not necessarily for the good, writes Ben Hackett.

  • Steamed up: the fog plays havoc with Chinese volumes. Credit: Oana Ungureanu

    Seeing through the fog


    Fog dominates East Asia''s figures in more ways than one, writes Stevie Knight

  • Common links: Blockchain is already the core component of cyber currency bitcoin. Credit: BTC Keychain

    The digital handover


    Could blockchain technology turn accepted supply chain practice on its head? Felicity Landon reports

  • News

    Second can be better than first


    COMMENT: The poor state of health of the container shipping sector has prompted a lot of speculation about the implications for the container terminal operating sector, writes Mike Mundy.

  • Changing hands: T-Mining plans to tackle box transfers with blockchain. Credit: Jaxport

    Ticking data boxes


    Start-up T-mining plans to trial its blockchain container concept in Antwerp. Felicity Landon reports

  • Hands off: driverless trucks offer the potential of significant cost savings at ports

    Driverless possibilities


    COMMENT: It is no surprise that the PSA Singapore has signalled its intention to introduce ‘truck platooning’ for container transfer between its container terminals.

  • News

    The benefits of togetherness


    COMMENT: In fully private markets, the ‘invisible hand’ ensures the survival of the fittest, writes Peter de Langen.

  • News

    False bravado


    COMMENT: There seems to be a groundswell of opinion that 2017 will be the year that ports start getting bolshie with shipping lines. The year that they start saying ‘no’ to the unrealistic demands being made of them. The year that they find their voice in discussions with alliances. Prophetic ...

  • Blowing in: activity in offshore US waters can be good for port business. Credit: Paul

    Winds of change blow in


    COMMENT: We''ve heard it before, but that didn''t stop the Governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo - perhaps a future Democratic candidate for the White House (yes, I know, it''s four years away) - making a big push for offshore wind farms, writes Barry Parker.

  • South-Port.jpg

    Tackling processes


    Iain MacIntyre meets South Port, New Zealand’s lean, mean, fighting machine

  • Space gain Auckland's PoAL’s Waikato freight hub could be ready before the end of the year

    Competing down under


    Australia is getting serious about port privatisation, explain Dave and Iain MacIntyre

  • On patrol: UGVs could mean that security officers avoid potentially dangerous situations. Credit: Glenn Halog

    Security sentinels


    Unmanned ground vehicles promise to ease port security burdens, explains Alex Hughes

  • On track: intra-port rail moves can be profitable over as little as 150 km

    Do the locomotion


    Intra-port rail shuttles are gaining market share in ports in Europe, explains Alex Hughes

  • Cattle country: livestock present unique handling challenges. Credit: Port of Koper

    Creature comfort


    As one of the more controversial types of cargo, livestock challenges can catch ports of the hoof, John Bensalhia reports

  • Upset: extended dwell time can mess with the careful management of container stacks. Credit: Port of Long Beach

    Seaside shuffle


    Are extended container dwell times beyond a terminal''s control? Felicity Landon finds out

  • New shape: autonomous vessels could reshape the pattern of port calls. Credit: Rolls-Royce

    Strange future


    The rise of unmanned vessels and low-cost smart shipping could revolutionise ports, writes Stevie Knight

  • Big plans for Valencia’s expansion

    Valencia expansion plans


    The Port Authority of Valencia Is planning a major investment to expand its port facilities to better accommodate LNG at its three harbours in Valencia, Sagunto and Gandia.

  • News

    Funding threat for US ports with Cuban trade


    In his newly proposed budget, Florida Governor Rick Scott has threatened to withdraw funding from the state’s ports if they pursue trade deals with Cuba.

  • Green Marine has introduced two new performance indicators on underwater noise Photo: Beamreach

    Green Marine targets noise emissions


    Green Marine is broadening the scope of its North American environmental certification programme by adding two performance indicators dealing with underwater noise emanating from ships and port activities.