Latest News – Page 442

  • News

    Jiangsu to merge port assets


    Nanjing Port and Lianyungang Port have announced that they have received a notice from their controlling shareholders regarding the establishment of Jiangsu Port Group.

  • Could the UK be one big FTZ?

    UK-wide free trade zone proposed


    Forget increasing the number of Free Trade Zones at and around UK ports, real thought should be given to whether Britain could become a nationwide FTZ, a panel discussion at Multimodal heard today.

  • The vessel can carry 172,600 m3 of LNG, sufficient to supply the country of Sweden with all its gas requirements for almost four weeks

    Arctic LNG terminal swings into action


    Sabetta Port has received its first ice-breaking LNG tanker which will serve Russia’s Yamal LNG project, strengthening the position of the Russian Federation in the Arctic and contributing to the development of the Northern Sea Route.

  • Driving force: TPT has responded to pockets of growth in the automotive industry

    Smart thinking


    Kerry Dimmer examines the impact of South Africa’s pioneering spirit on the rest of the world

  • Struck out: Spain's port labour is in an uncompetitive position. Credit: Armando G Alonso

    Reform hiatus


    COMMENT: In mid-March, Spain’s Parliament rejected voting into law the port labour reforms that are necessary to meet European Commission requirements. In effect, Spain, for the time being at least, remains out of step with the majority of EU countries.

  • Stateside: Hamburg is considering opening a representative office in the US. Credit: HHM, Michael Lindner

    Making connections


    Overseas offices are more than just a public relations outlet for a port. Felicity Landon reports

  • A brownfield port at Amirabad Port is just one of Iran’s investment opportunities. Credit: Amirabad Port Authority.

    Diamond in the rough


    WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff’s Roy van Eijsden examines the investment potential of a post sanctions Iran

  • "British ports are and have always been the UK’s main gateway to trade, and with the number of current and future opportunities available it looks likely that this will continue," Richard Ballantyne, BPA.

    Grabbing the Brexit opportunity


    The BPA’s Richard Ballantyne discusses potential opportunities for British ports to flourish post-Brexit

  • News

    Two extremes


    COMMENT: It turns out that 2016 wasn’t such a bad year for the larger container terminal operators, despite the shroud of negativity caused by civil upset and political unrest, often intertwined, writes Carly Fields.

  • Commitments: investment in Vietnam’s ports is ramping up, mirroring the vibrancy of the region. Credit: APM Terminals

    Less competition, more connectivity


    South East Asia’s ports need to look beyond boxes to better serve customers. Mike King reports

  • News

    A question of branding


    COMMENT: Walking around a large cruise shipping expo in Florida - where I escaped yet another New York snowstorm - I found representatives of an industrial port in Brazil, São Sebastião, emphasising its blue water, lush surroundings and its proximity to São Paulo as its key notes to attracting cruise ...

  • Transparency: hostility towards Darwin's sell off to foreign interests prompted the launch of an asset register

    State intervention


    Governments face increased pressure to take more interest in foreign port investment, finds Martin Rushmere

  • Next generation: Port Elizabeth is looking forward to a new era of operations

    The middleman


    Changes at Port Elizabeth’s port have allowed it to re-invent itself, finds Kerry Dimmer

  • Jurong Port facility

    Learning curve


    Investment on in-house training can pay off for some ports.

  • Starter's orders: PANYNJ's Global Container Terminals USA as brought in an appointment systems. Credit: New York Shipping Association

    Go with the flow


    Gates queues should be ''consigned to history'' say OEMs. John Bensalhia investigates

  • News

    Tax and tribulations


    COMMENT: There is a lot of speculation about President Trump''s Border Adjustment Tax (BAT), but little consensus on what it means, writes Ben Hackett.

  • Wide view: Morocco's Tanger Med is a good example of a port creating value for its hinterland. Credit: Yassine Abbadi

    The value of connectivity


    COMMENT: Ports create value for port users and thus also for society at large because they enable connections between consumers in the hinterland and producers overseas, and vice versa, writes Peter de Langen.

  • On trend: Multi-touch tables for navigation planning are just one output of HPA’s smartPORT programme

    A digital journey


    HPA is well along the path of digital optimisation, but it still has some surprises in store, finds Carly Fields

  • Tracking up: CTA expanded its rail terminal from seven to nine tracks, raising annual rail throughput to 930,000 teu

    Laying down tracks


    Fine tuning port-rail operations is key to realising the full potential of rail traffic, reports Alex Hughes

  • Homebase investment: The increase in throughput was mainly driven by the additional contribution from a new equity investment in Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited

    "Major transformations" for CMPort


    For China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CMPort), focusing on homebase port development and overseas expansion helped to bump container throughput up by 14.5% (95.77 million teu) in 2016.