Latest News – Page 294

  • A lender will check how the port is used and whether there is one main user or multiple users

    Connecting up port financing dots


    Watson Farley & Williams’ (WFW) Lindsey Keeble, Christina Howard and Florian Kutzbach deliver key financing advice.

  • Where is the efficiency in abandoning large ships? Credit: John Fielding

    Sea of change or storm in a teacup?


    COMMENT: Shipping companies and ports are currently in somewhat of a quandary; they face criticism that ships are too large or too small, that alliances are harmful to customers and service providers such as ports, that they sail too slow or too fast and that they arrive too late or ...

  • A worker walking across a suspended bridge.

    The Umbilical Cords of Port Machinery


    Dave MacIntyre finds out if crane cable chains deliver everything they promise.

  • Energy audits can help ports cut costs and emissions. Credit: National Renewable Energy Lab, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

    Get set for energy savings


    COMMENT: The surge in awareness towards accelerated action on climate change and governments and companies seeking transition to carbon neutrality both require tackling the challenge of rising energy costs, writes Charles Haine

  • Each cargo move generates a sizeable paper trail

    Clearing the blockchain blur


    A digital ledger offers undeniable benefits of improved transparency and security, but which project should ports back asks Charlie Bartlett

  • Tilbury's expansion is due to be operational in spring 2020. Credit: Port of Tilbury/Forth Ports

    Blank sheet of paper for Tilbury2


    The Port of Tilbury is expanding next door as part of its £1bn investment programme. Felicity Landon reports.

  • The Chinese have invested more than €600m in upgrading port infrastructure in Piraeus

    Game of leapfrog in the Mediterranean


    Competition is heating up for the number one slot in the region’s container handling sector. Alex Hughes reports

  • RAM's pipe-handling system improves handling speed and safety. Credit: RAM Spreaders

    Putting spreaders to work for bulk


    John Bensalhia investigates attachment options that look beyond pure container operations

  • The Port of Peterhead has been earmarked as a UK hub to facilitate carbon capture and storage. Credit: Peterhead Port Authority

    Finding a new home for carbon


    The move towards carbon capture is gathering pace and ports are playing their part. Felicity Landon reports

  • bulk carrier

    A stronger future for short sea shipping


    As shipping gets smarter and more sustainable, the Coastlink conference addresses how short sea and container feeder shipping can best secure a stronger future.

  • Kalmar has unveiled a new all-electric empty container handler Photo: Cargotec

    New all-electric equipment unveiled


    Kalmar, part of Cargotec, has introduced a fully electric version of the Kalmar Empty Container Handler.

  • A clean-up operation is underway at the Port of Durban Photo: Transnet

    Transnet helps clean up at Durban


    Transnet National Ports Authority at the Port of Durban has begun a major clean-up to remove the large volume of waste and vegetation left after the recent heavy rains and flooding in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province.

  • The Port of Southampton in 2016 Photo: M. Zhu/flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

    BPA chair: ports a force for good


    Ports are part of the solution, not the problem, when it comes to a range of challenges facing the UK, the chairman of the British Ports Association (BPA) has said.

  • Nusrat Ghani Photo: Chris McAndrew/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0

    Minister: UK ports need higher standards


    The UK ports industry needs to continue to set itself greater standards and be more imaginative if it is to truly reach its full potential across the upcoming decades, the UK’s Maritime Minister has said.

  • Sea Ports Corporation

    ICTSI disputes Sudan concession 'cancellation' claims


    International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) has said it has not received “any official notice” from the Sudanese government of the suspension of its concession contract for South Port Container Terminal at Port Sudan.

  • Kalmar diesel-electric straddle carriers

    Electric straddle carriers for Italy’s MCT


    Kalmar will supply 32 diesel-electric straddle carriers to Italy''s Medcenter Container Terminal (MCT) to help reduce emissions and make the terminal more sustainable.

  • 'AIDAnova’

    LNG cruise ship bunkered at Barcelona


    The first cruise ship in the world powered by LNG has undergone bunkering at the Port of Barcelona as it continues to seek sustainable operations.

  • asbestos handling

    Tackling the threat of asbestos in ports


    Ports need to ensure that asbestos is on the radar when planning port development projects, says Denis Morgan, technical and training manager for SOCOTEC Asbestos

  • Port of Seattle

    Seattle adopts sustainability priorities


    The Port of Seattle Commission has further committed to electrification as it outlined its sustainability priorities for 2019.

  • Port of Piraeus

    Global port links forged at China's BRI Forum


    Cosco’s investment in Greece''s Port of Piraeus will play a key part in a drive to establish Greece as a “bridge” between the West and the East, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said at China''s second Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Forum in Beijing.