Latest News – Page 287

  • Electric vehicle

    Electric truck testing for cargo efficiency


    A new project by Volvo Trucks and DFDS will test the capabilities of an electric, autonomous vehicle in transporting goods efficiently and sustainably from a DFDS logistics centre to an APM Terminals port terminal in Gothenburg, Sweden.

  • Port of Oakland

    Oakland not hindered by US-China trade war


    The Port of Oakland has said that agricultural exports to Asia are robust and exports to China rose 5% over last year in the first quarter of 2019, despite the US-China tariff standoff, but warned caution should still be exercised.

  • Ports Australia report

    Ports Australia launches sustainability hub


    Associate IAPH member Ports Australia has launched an online sustainability hub to highlight the advances made by Australia''s ports in all five of the World Port Sustainability Program’s (WPSP) main themes.

  • Plastic bottles

    Recycling record for Jamaican port


    A Jamaican port has collected nearly 300,000 plastic bottles for recycling in one year as the result of its campaign to reduce the impact of its operations on stakeholders and the environment.

  • The Port of Hamburg has successfully trialled 5G Photo: HPA

    Port of Hamburg trials 5G


    The Port of Hamburg has provided Deutsche Telekom and Nokia with an arena for their successful 5G field test.

  • The Ports of Indiana has been awarded Green Marine certification Photo: Ports of Indiana

    Green Marine certification for Indiana


    The Ports of Indiana has received Green Marine certification for all three of its port locations for its commitment to advance environmental sustainability initiatives.

  • Northern Sea Route

    DP World to operate new Russian ports


    DP World has signed an agreement to operate ports that Russia plans to build along the Northern Sea Route (NSR) in the Arctic to shorten shipping times between the east and west.

  • swarm on Cardiff Bay Barrage

    ABP rescues bees in Cardiff


    ABP South Wales has rescued a swarm of bees and rehomed them in the Port of Cardiff’s apiary as part of its commitment to biodiversity.

  • Port of Singapore

    MPA commits to protecting marine biodiversity


    Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and Our Singapore Reefs (OSR) have embarked on a three-year collaboration to promote the importance of Singapore’s marine biodiversity.

  • Falklands

    Falklands government issues new port tender


    The Falkland Islands Government (FIG) has issued a development partner tender for the design and construction of a new port that can handle the same type of cargo as the current port as well as facilitate forecasted economic growth including future hydrocarbon operations.

  • Becker LNG PowerPac

    LNG mobile shore power testing


    An LNG mobile shore power solution project by Becker Marine Systems has reached a new phase with the first operation of two prototypes units due to take place at HHLA’s container terminal Burchardkai at the Port of Hamburg.

  • Emmelsum Port

    Pledge to cut C02 emissions with waste heat


    Port of Rotterdam Authority and DeltaPort have signed an MOU with the aim of opening up the North Rhine Westphalian hinterland using digitalisation to cut CO2 emissions in transport and logistics through the optimal use of waste heat.

  • Two weeks left to save!

    Just two weeks left to save 20% with early bird discount


    Have you booked your place for GreenPort Cruise & Congress 2019 hosted by the Port of Oslo? Book before 21 June and save 20%.

  • High Tech Solutions

    Technology experts to discuss high tech solutions


    Day two of GreenPort Congress 2019 will feature a technology session discussing high tech green on-board and landside solutions.

  • IMO to open conference

    IMO to open conference


    Sveinung Oftedal, IMO Negotiator for Norway, will discuss the future of zero emissions for ports, terminals and ship operators.

  • House of Commons

    Scrubber clarity call at UK parliament


    The chairman of the British Ports Association (BPA) has called for ports industry concerns about contamination from open loop scrubbers to be addressed.

  • Two brand new ports were singled out by the Chinese firm as being especially interesting: El Sombrero and Lavalle Photo: Daderot/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

    Chinese interest in Corrientes ports


    China State Construction Engineering Corporation is interested in port projects in the Argentinean province of Corrientes and has already had negotiations with governor Gustavo Valdés.

  • EPV hopes to issue a new tender by the end of 2019 (image is of the city of Valparaíso) Photo: Deensel/flickr/CC BY 2.0

    EPV to push ahead with new T2 tender


    Chilean port company Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso (EPV) is determined to continue with a project to build Terminal 2 (T2) at Valparaíso to allow it to compete with San Antonio.

  • Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority

    Canadian port authorities merge


    Canada’s government will amalgamate the Oshawa and Hamilton port authorities to form the Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority to better attract investment, develop the supply chain, and enhance the region’s global connectivity and competitiveness.

  • Martin Lawlor

    BPA urges 'grown-up' scrubbers conversation


    The chairman of the British Ports Association (BPA) has called for ports industry concerns about contamination from open loop scrubbers to be addressed.