Latest News – Page 813

  • News

    Manta casts around for cargo


    The Ecuadorian port of Manta is trying to attract coffee, cacao, banana and fish cargo generated by the Manabí region of the country that is currently shipped out via Guayaquil or Puerto Bolívar.

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    Yanbu dry bulk facility


    Saudi Ports Authority has signed a $36m contract to build a dry bulk berth at Yanbu commercial port. Work will take no more than 24 months.

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    Syria to upgrade ports


    Syria has announced a budget of $800m to develop its ports and shipping industry by 2015, partially driven by the reconstruction of neighbouring Iraq.

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    New box terminal for Cadiz


    Cadiz Port Authority has issued a tender for the construction of a new container terminal at the port. Construction will take 46 months, with a partial handover of territory after 34 months. The first phase opening will offer a quay of 598m and alongside draft of 16m.

  • "We maintain if ports simply priced and invested to ensure cost of capital return, a hierarchy of ports would emerge naturally and quite quickly," Mark Cairns, Port of Tauranga

    NZ port owners accused of holding back progress


    While port rationalisation has long been mooted in New Zealand, the lack of progress in achieving it leads some critics to suggest that the ownership structure of ports – with local and regional authorities holding controlling power – is a hindrance.

  • Mombasa’s recent investment has been on security

    Seaport security in West Africa


    Two ports in West Africa have initiated substantial security contracts within a few weeks of each other.

  • JadeWeserPort has set the cat among the pigeons in Germany's container handling market

    A question of capacity


    The challenge presented by maintaining the right level of port capacity is becoming more complicated.

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    Libra to invest heavily in Brazil


    Brazilian container terminal operator, the Libra group, plans to spend $713m over the next five years to double its handling capacity. In all, $327m will be spent at its installations in Santos, where it has five operating areas. A further $149m has been allocated to its Rio de Janeiro operation ...

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    Peru's ports need $2bn


    Lima Chamber of Commerce estimates that Peru needs to invest $2bn to improve the quality of its ports, equivalent to 20% of all the transport infrastructure requirements in the country.

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    Barcelona’s rail connection


    In early January, Barcelona’s two existing container terminals became the first in the country to have a standard gauge rail connection with the rest of Europe. The new Tercat terminal under construction will also be linked during the first quarter of this year.

  • “Ports need to be looking at developing logistics chains and networks that support inter-modality to stay ahead of the game,” explains Isobel Roberts

    Practical questions, practical answers


    Squeezed between sustainability and budget issues, environmental managers need all the help they can get, something that two coming events aim to provide

  • ‘Emerald’ hull design undergoing tests in towing tank

    'Green' design carrier exceeds expectations


    Lloyd’s Register and Shanghai-based Bestway Marine Engineering Design have completed their joint-industry project to develop a trend-setting environmental bulk carrier, with results claimed to far exceed expectations.

  • Canterbury's 7.1 magnitude earthquake failed to dent Lyttelton's productivity.Credit - Martin Luff

    Stirred but not shaken


    Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) achieved a remarkable return to operations within mere hours of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck just 40 kilometres to its west at 4.35am on September 4, 2010, writes Iain MacIntyre.

  • Conductix-Wampfler’s drive in solution will be applied at Yilport

    Drive-in on the Bosporus


    Yilport Container Terminal (part of the Yildirim Group) is to convert 18 diesel-powered Rubber Tired Gantry cranes (RTGs) to electrical operation.

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    Mongla hub plan


    UK-based Port Evolution Management Ltd has put forward a $794.5m plan to develop Bangladesh’s second most important port of Mongla. The scheme would involve building a container terminal, an oil terminal, a tank farm and a special economic zone. Work would be implemented over the next four years.

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    Espirito Santo deep water location discussed


    The government of the Brazilian state of Espirito Santo is set to make a decision on the location of the proposed $594m new deep water port. In pole position is Praia Mole in Vitória; other candidates are Ubu (Anchieta) and Barra do Riacho (Aracruz). The new facility will be required ...

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    Chinese to foster Iranian port


    Iran Cooperative Chamber and China''s Chamber of Commerce in the Middle East have signed a contract which will see the latter build a third-generation port in Iran. This will be in cooperation with the Bandar Sazan-e Genaveh company.

  • Port of Brisbane

    The long view


    State governments are pushing the long-term view of Australian ports.

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    APPA targets budget surplus


    The state government has intervened to try and allow Brazil’s Paranaguá and Antonina Port Authority (APPA) to gain access to a previous budgetary surplus, which had been frozen by the federal Justice Ministry. However, the state government has made reference to legislation passed in 2009 that allows surpluses to be ...

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    ITF dispute negotiated


    A dispute between the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and Ports of Auckland which flared late last year appears to have now been resolved.