Latest News – Page 787

  • News

    Santos remodelling under discussion


    Santos port authority, Codesp, and representatives from the governing body of Brazilian ports, Antaq, recently came together as part of a working group to look into ways of re-modelling Santos to enable it to handle more cabotage containers.

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    Strikes disrupt Chilean ports


    Month long strikes by dockworkers at the Chilean ports of Lirquén and Iquique have cost millions in lost cargo handling revenue.

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    No second Montevideo box terminal


    The government of Uruguay has decided not to go ahead with a second container terminal at the port of Montevideo. The tender for the facility was cancelled a year ago and in its place, a new port at Puntas de Sayago, to the east of Montevideo, is being considered for ...

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    Venezuela hikes port charges


    Ports in Venezuela introduced a series of new port taxes in June, some with a 300% hike.

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    Multi-purpose terminal for Mazatlán


    The Mexican port of Mazatlán has issued a tender for a multipurpose terminal as a means of boosting throughput at the port, which fell by 6.2% in the first four months of this year.

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    Karaikal heads for second round funding


    Karaikal Port Pvt Ltd is to undertake a second round of private equity funding to raise $50m, with Ascent Capital Advisors India already undertaking due diligence.

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    Tauranga merger talk dampened


    Port of Tauranga chief executive Mark Cairns has advised his company has had no recent approach from Ports of Auckland or its shareholder, the Auckland Council, on the possibility of merging.

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    Adani challenges JNPT bid ban


    Adani Enterprises, which has been forbidden to bid for the fourth container terminal at JNPT, has sought to overturn the ruling in the courts.

  • TWIC 5x7

    Are you taking the TWIC?


    Back in the early days after the attrocities of September 11, 2001, one of my business ventures was the recipient of a Round 1 Port Security grant from what became the TSA, the body behind the TWIC ID scheme.

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    Vilagarcía container terminal subsiding


    Vilagarcía Port Authority in north-western Spain has declined to comment on the subsidence of part of its container terminal.

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    Indian ports to issue bonds


    Cochin, Kolkata, Ennore and JNPT are seeking permission from the government to raise funds using tax-free bonds.

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    DP World court stay protects Chennai tariffs


    DP World has won a temporary stay against a proposal by India’s port regulator, Tariff Authority for Major Ports to reduce tariffs at Chennai Container Terminal, a DP World-managed facility.

  • Maersk 18,000 teu Triple-E class ship is forcing a sea change in ports

    Time for change


    Carly Fields talks to Maersk Line about its drive to overhaul shipping and ports as we know it

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    Eilat’s hot property


    Israel’s Eilat, the first national port to be privatised, has attracted bids from 17 companies. The only known international port operators involved in the process are APM Terminals and SSA Marine, with the vast majority of other interested parties Israeli. The port handles 6% of the country''s foreign trade.

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    Outer Harbour stalls at La Coruña


    The Spanish port of La Coruña has run out of money and cannot finance additional work on its outer harbour extension, where costs have almost doubled to €750m ($1.1bn).

  • Gulftainer is expanding its influence beyond it's Sharjah boundaries

    Catching the international investment bug


    Alongside the ‘big four’ of DP World, HPH, APMT and PSA, others are steadily increasing their influence and geographical spread.

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    Qatar commits to Egyptian ports


    The government of Qatar has revealed that it has signed an agreement with Egypt to build two new ports that will create one million new jobs.

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    Mitsui leading bidder for Portek


    Mitsui has presented an offer to acquire the capital of Portek International, which operates eight terminals in Indonesia, Algeria, Malta and Gabon, as well as a dry port in Ruanda.

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    CVRD in Santos joint venture


    CVRD has formed a joint venture with Vale Fertilizantes to operate the Ultrafertil concession in the port of Santos.

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    Trace radiation on Japanese containers


    Levels of radiation surpassing European Union limits have been found on a maritime container from the Japanese port of Yokohama by authorities at the Belgian port of Zeebrugge. Dutch authorities also found traces of radiation on 19 containers from Japan.