Latest News – Page 765

  • News

    APM Terminals takes on Brazilian dockers


    APM Terminals in Brazil has been advertising stevedoring jobs at the port of Itajaí as a means of re-commencing operations, which had been paralysed by strikes since October 27.

  • Strikes have cost the ports of Paranaguá and Antonina dearly

    Financial sting of Brazilian labour disputes


    In the last five years, the Paranaguá and Antonina Port Authority (APPA) has been forced to spend $113m as a result of action by its workforce. By the end of this year, a further $25m will also be used to settle grievances following court action.

  • Victorian port is close to capacity ceiling. Credit: The Port of Melbourne Authority

    Melbourne capacity ‘crisis’ fast approaching


    The Port of Melbourne’s ability to handle future container growth could be compromised as early as 2015, according to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

  • Lyttelton has been made to wait for a earthquake repair progress payment. Credit: NZ Defence Force

    Quake repercussions haunt Lyttelton


    Lead insurer Vero has withheld a NZ$20m (US$15.5m) progress payment towards the repair of the earthquake-damaged Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) while it disputes the extent to which assets are insured for reinstatement.

  • Moin is on track for global operator

    APMT Moin powers ahead with CH2MHill


    APM Terminals’ Capt Paul Gallie flatly dismissed rumours that the group’s Costa Rican venture has stalled to delegates at TOC Americas taking place in Panama this week.

  • The first refrigerated container has called at the Port of Yuzhny

    First refrigerated container call at TIS


    The Ukraine''s TIS Terminal is celebrating its first refrigerated container ship call - the culmination of many years of work behind the scenes at the Port of Yuzhny.

  • The proposed Post-Panamax River Terminal at the heart of the Master Plan strategy

    Public support for Mersey expansion


    It’s exciting times for Peel Ports – nine out of ten respondents during the public consultation on the draft Mersey Ports Master Plan have come back in favour of future development.

  • News

    Peruvian dockworkers to strike


    Dockworkers in Peru have announced they will go on strike on November 30 in an attempt to pressurise the government into annulling the concession awarded for APM Terminals for the Callao North container terminal.

  • News

    Australian dockers target DP World


    A series of 24-hour strikes has been called by the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) in protest against DP World''s refusal to grant a 5% pay increase and also improve working conditions.

  • News

    NZ hub to lessen Rena risk


    Former Pacifica chief executive Rod Grout believes developing a major North Island hub port would reduce the risk of another Rena grounding disaster.

  • ICS Secretary General Peter Hinchliffe.

    Shipping prepares for climate change talks


    The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has produced a briefing document for government climate change negotiators.

  • Yuzhny's TIS facility has expanded without much external investment

    Vision before strategy


    Despite a very large territory, the Ukraine has been used to hearing the phrase, “nice potential”, while it remains – mostly – unrealised, says Arthur Nitsevych of Interlegal.

  • The proposed Post-Panamax River Terminal at the heart of the Master Plan strategy

    Green issues for Mersey expansion


    Public opinion on the draft Peel Ports Mersey''s future development plan has proved favourable - it seems as long as green issues are taken into account.

  • Odessa is recovering from the dip, but things aren’t yet straightforward

    Fragile recovery gains traction


    In 2008 there were a number of shipping lines offering direct calls into the Black Sea, but the 2009 crash was an unmitigated disaster for the area.

  • APM Terminals is to take on Gothenburg's SCT

    Deal certainty


    There have been a few instances over the past year where the transition from Preferred Bidder to being award a terminal concession has been unusually swift.

  • Conductix-Wampfler’s Drive-In L system is helping to electrify the world of RTGs

    Benefits of electric RTGs


    Rubber tired gantry cranes (RTGs) are infamous for driving up costs at ports because of their high fuel consumption meaning a higher cost to the environment.

  • Poland’s developing local market is enough to bring some kind of stability

    A volatile character


    Bullish Baltic sentiment will not be enough to drive demand; real investment and commitment is also needed. Stevie Knight reports

  • Sulphur emissions - a toxic issue in more ways than one

    ESPO responds to sulphur limits


    ESPO has called for the EC and member states to work together to ensure that the proposed amendment to MARPOL Annex VI - aimed at reducing sulphur content in marine fuel - can be realised by 2015.

  • Artificial lights on dock can be the source of much irritation for port neighbours

    A breeding ground for 'troublesome' activities


    The statutory nuisance regime is set out in the UK''s Environmental Protection Act 1990 and lists eleven matters which can amount to a statutory nuisance.

  • Delegates enjoying the port tour

    Tour of Hamburg Port hosted by Hamburg Port Authority


    After two days of discussion and listening to presentations, delegates took some fresh air.