Latest News – Page 676

  • JN Port Container yard

    Showcasing the development of Indian ports


    The first GreenPort South Asia Conference, organised by Mercator Media, took place in Mumbai from 20 to 21 March with as aim to be a catalyst in driving forward the green agenda in maritime ports and terminals across the South Asia region. A few weeks prior to the conference, GreenPort ...

  • Mr Jan Fransen, Green Award’s managing director presented the Green Award to Gibraltan Minister, Neil Costa, on 27 March 2013

    Gibraltar joins green award scheme


    The Port of Gibraltar will award sustainable ships certified by the Green Award scheme with a 5% reduction in tonnage dues for certified vessels entering British Gibraltar Territorial Waters and calling at the port from 1 April 2013.

  • Mr Ranjard discussed the port's enhanced rail services

    Marseille Fos promotes rail services


    Simplified customs procedures have led to improved containerised rail services at the French cargo port, Marseille Fos, says the port''s director of development, Arnaud Renjard.

  • HIT – trouble at the terminal mirrors wider discontent in Hong Kong

    Trouble in Hong Kong


    Port workers are back demonstrating over pay today at Hongkong International Terminals Ltd (HIT), part of the Hutchison Port Holdings Trust (HPH Trust), after a court ruling barred them from entering the city’s terminals yesterday.

  • Emco's loading arms will transfer LNG to the shore based gas pipeline

    Emco loading arms for Brazilian terminal


    Global fluid handling equipment manufacturer, Emco Wheaton, has supplied global oil and gas company, Petrobras, with high pressure marine loading arms for its new Bahia Regasification Terminal (TRBA) in Brazil.

  • Proposed UK pilotage revisions have international ramifications. Credit: Hans Splinter

    The clash of two pilot regimes


    Questions have been asked about how the draft UK Marine Navigation Bill (No.2) – currently under UK Parliament consultation – sits with existing international pilotage regulatory framework.

  • Delegates

    GreenPort South Asia papers


    Did you miss Mercator Media''s first GreenPort South Asia conference? All papers and presentations from this year are now available to download online.

  • Fears are that UK pilotage might now be placed 'in the hands of a deck boy, the cook or the man on the street'. Credit: Duncan C

    Playing the pilot


    HFW''s Joseph Botham explains why proposed UK pilotage changes have global influence

  • The ZeroCat 120  - the ‘World’s First’ electric car ferry

    Rolls-Royce power for ferry of the future


    Rolls-Royce plc has signed a contract for the delivery of its highly efficient Azipull propulsion and control system for the ‘World’s First’ completely electric car ferry.

  • The first two of a total of 26 ARMGs were delivered

    APMT Maasvlakte II receives ARMGs


    APM Terminals’ new Maasvlakte II facility at the Port of Rotterdam has received the first two of a total of 26 automated rail mounted gantry cranes (ARMGs), following the completion of civil construction.

  • The Port of Long Beach is working to remove a railroad bottleneck

    Green Port Gateway project begins


    America’s Port of Long Beach has launched a US$84m project to remove a railroad bottleneck and build additional on-dock rail capacity to move cargo more efficiently and sustainably.

  • The EC needs to define its climate change and energy policy framework for 2030

    EC develops new 2030 policy framework


    The European Commission (EC) has begun the development of a 2030 framework for EU climate change and energy policies with the adoption of a Green Paper to launch a public consultation on the content of the framework.

  • The 110 delegates were treated to a port visit around JN Port

    JN Port visit – finale to a great conference


    The successful GreenPort South Asia Conference 2013, organised by Mercator Media Ltd, was followed by a popular port visit to Jawaharlal Nehru Port on 22 March 2013.

  • CNA, Senator Kátia Abreu argues that the construction of new private ports will increase competition in the port sector

    Brazil needs private capital


    The Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CAN) has launched a campaign to encourage private capital which it says is fundamental to modernising Brazil’s ports and improving exports.

  • Is it time for a new dawn for Spanish port governance? Credit: Nukamari

    Time for change


    Emilio Bustos and Maurice Jansen discuss the benefits of taking Spanish port governance to the next level

  • Operations at Virginia will not be privatised

    Virginia votes restructure not privatisation


    The Virginia Port Authority (VPA) board has approved a restructure this week for both the VPA and Virginia International Terminals (VIT) which will also overhaul the port’s long-term strategy - but it won’t include privatisation.

  • The 110 delegates were treated to a port visit around JN Port

    JN Port visit – finale to a great conference


    The successful GreenPort South Asia Conference 2013, organised by Mercator Media Ltd, was followed by a popular port visit to Jawaharlal Nehru Port on 22 March 2013.

  • The Liebherr cranes will span the new nine track rail terminal at the Port of Felixstowe

    Cranes to double Felixstowe rail capacity


    The UK’s Port of Felixstowe has received three state-of-the-art rail mounted gantry cranes (RMGs) that will form part of a new rail terminal to double the port’s rail capacity.

  • The Liebherr cranes will span the new nine track rail terminal at the Port of Felixstowe

    Cranes to double Felixstowe rail capacity


    The UK’s Port of Felixstowe has received three state-of-the-art rail mounted gantry cranes (RMGs) that will form part of a new rail terminal to double the port’s rail capacity.

  • Of the 45 planned container berths due to be constructed at Busan New Port, 21 are currently in full operation

    Forward commitment


    Busan is ploughing ahead with infrastructure works to stay ahead. Michael King reports