Latest News – Page 618

  • Tsunami Action: San Diego and other Californian ports are working towards getting better with tsunami emergency plans

    US west coast ports to get 'tsunami ready'


    Five Californian ports are working together to prepare for future tsunamis in a new state wide project which identifies potential hotspots to formulate better emergency plans.

  • Future growth: The investment comes at a vital time for the Port of Valencia

    Valencia set for future growth


    US-based investment company, J P Morgan Asset Management, is committing €100m to the expansion and development of Noatum’s facilities at the Port of Valencia, to accommodate future growth.

  • External visitors to a terminal often pose the greatest safety threat. Credit: C. Matheus

    The need for robust safety inductions


    At last, the ‘safety first’ message seems to be getting through, says TT Club''s Laurence Jones. In the past, it might have been a prominent sign placed at the main gate of a facility. Once past the gate though, safety was forgotten; operations always came first.

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    US FMC gives nod to P3


    US Federal Maritime Commission commissioner William P Doyle has voted in favour of the P3 Network Vessel Sharing Agreement.

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    Seattle and Tacoma information sharing permitted


    The Federal Maritime Commission has unanimously voted to allow the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma to continue with a co-operation agreement that will see them exchange information on matters of “mutual interest”.

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    Global port expansion expected in 2014


    This year could mark the “first year for the expansion of global ports” since the worldwide economic crisis, according to the Shanghai International Shipping Institute.

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    North European ports pick up the pace


    North European Hamburg-Le Havre range ports are expected to break through the “seemingly invincible” 40m teu ceiling in 2014, having failed to make the mark in 2013.

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    Height and illumination first for LEDs


    Lighting specialist AAA-LUX has fitted LED floodlights at a 45 metre height at the Rietlanden terminal in the port of Amsterdam, delivering a height and illumination quality that “has never been shown before” in the port industry, according to the company.

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    BNCT powers on with expansion project


    Korea’s BNCT is pushing ahead with development works despite having 400,000 teu of spare capacity available.

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    Stockholm to benefit from E14m TEN-T funding


    The Port of Stockholm’s infrastructure project has received a funding boost from the European Union’s TEN-T Programme.

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    Houston traffic stunted by waterway closure


    A collision in the Houston Ship Channel shut down the waterway for three days in March as the US Coast Guard worked to clean up the 168,000 gallons of bunker fuel oil spilt.

  • The Port of Long Beach says the reduced rates will enable its tenants to invest. Photo: POLB

    Cut electricity rates to improve air quality at Long Beach


    New electricity rates at the Port of Long Beach will pave the way for improvements in air quality and infrastructure that will in turn, keep the port competitive.

  • Out east: around 80% of RTGs that Kalmar produces are now built in China

    The Europe versus Asia debate continues


    Cargotec container equipment specialist Kalmar received orders for around 100 rubber-tyred gantry cranes in both 2012 and 2013, Raimo Ukkonen, vice president rubber-tyred gantry cranes, tells Port Strategy.

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    Applying the economic paradox


    We have come across the term ''paradox'', when the opposite of what one expects happens; can we apply it to economics? Of course we can.

  • HMM in happier days at the Port of Tacoma; now the operator is looking to sell off terminal investments

    Dealing with the fallout


    However you add it up the container shipping industry is experiencing turbulent times.

  • Fresh opportunity: the upcoming general election gives India a new chance on port tariff reforms. Credit: New Delhices

    Time to get to grip with reforms


    India’s 2013-14 GDP data will be released at the end of March and expectations are that it will be an even lower figure than the decade-low of 5% achieved at the end of March 2013.

  • CONGESTION CHAOS: The Port of New York and New Jersey is slowly getting back to ‘normal’ operations, but could it be too little too late?

    US East Coast loses out to inland ports


    The winter weather has proved a problem for US East Coast ports like New York and New Jersey, and their loss could be Montreal’s gain.

  • The project aims to develop an LNG hub in the Port of Ferrol. Photo: Xaimex

    Spanish gas hub gets funding


    The European Union will co-finance a series of studies to develop a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) hub in the Port of Ferrol, near La Coruña in the northwest of Spain.

  • Once finalised, the Port of Stockholm project will be of major importance to the TEN-T network, both as a factor determining the long-term efficiency and sustainability of the Ports of Stockholm, and as prerequisite for eliminating one of the mo...

    Port of Stockholm receives EU funds


    The Port of Stockholm in Sweden is going to receive €14 million from the TEN-T Programme for its project to restore its infrastructure.

  • The Port of Halifax is offering shore side power to cruise vessels during the 2014 season

    Halifax Port next to offer shore power


    Canada’s Halifax Port Authority (HPH) is the next port to offer shore side power for cruise vessels during the 2014 cruise season.