Latest News – Page 598

  • News

    Profit boost for ICTSI


    International Container Terminal Services Inc (ICTSI) has recorded a 23% rise in profits for the first six months of 2014.

  • Waukegan Harbor was one of 43 contaminated areas in the Great Lakes Photo: US EPA

    Clean-up complete at Waukegan Harbor


    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finally completed its clean-up of Waukegan Harbor, Illinois US, to remove it from the binational ‘Great Lakes Areas of Concern’ list.

  • Ghana's ports: Both Tema (pictured) and Takoradi are struggling with increasing traffic Photo: GPHA

    Ghana to build third port?


    Ghana may just get a third port, judging by an announcement made by the director-general of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA).

  • Busan New Port is set to become Northeast Asia's logistics hub

    Busan works to safeguard growth


    Busan’s rapidly expanding New Port is on its way to becoming the Northeast Asia logistics hub, thanks in large part to Busan New Container Terminal’s (BNCT) recent investment.

  • The European Commission is supporting key infrastructure projects with over €320m. Photo: Patrick Rasenberg

    EU supports key infrastructure projects


    More than €320m is being put aside for improving transport infrastructure across Europe as part of the last calls of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) programme.

  • Maher Terminals has lost its bid to cut the fees it must pay the port authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)

    Maher loses out at NY-NJ


    According to US District Court documents, Maher Terminals has lost its bid to cut the fees it must pay the port authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ).

  • News

    Congestion cleared at LA


    APL’s terminal at the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) is apparently now rid of congestion following the implementation of a new appointment system for trucks.

  • ‘Blue Star Delos’ will be used for onboard renewables trials

    Shipping renewable energy innovation project is launched


    Japan-based Eco Marine Power (EMP) and Blue Star Ferries of Greece, part of the Attica group, are to collaborate on development of renewable energy and fuel-saving solutions.

  • "Genova and Savona should be competing with ports in other regions, not with each other,” Luigi Merlo, Genova Port Authority

    Keeping an open mind


    The merger of Savona and Genova port authorities is far from a done deal, as Alex Hughes discovers

  • Bigger ships force depth issues. Credit: WSDOT

    Deeper dredging demands


    New deeper draft vessels keep coming, as do vessels with a wider beam and length overall dictating the need for deeper channel depth and draft alongside quays as well as other requirements such as larger turning circles.

  • NANHUA-Europe is a distributor of heavy duty LED Lighting designed for ports, crane-builders, offshore, marine and other heavy industries.

    Improving safety, and reliability in the port


    LED lights help to conserve energy, they last longer and are better for the environment. One of the success stories is the use of Nanhua-Europe LED lighting in different port projects.

  • Malawi’s Shire River Basin is the country’s single most important water resource Photo: Mott MacDonald

    Malawi River Basin programme


    Global engineering and development consultancy, Mott MacDonald, has been appointed to work on the first phase of the Shire River Basin Management Programme by Malawi’s Ministry of Agriculture.

  • The parties will work together on the development, marketing and usage of LNG in-road transport and shipping

    German MoU singed for LNG development


    Gazprom and Hafen-Entwicklungs-gesellschaft Rostock, operator of the Baltic Sea port of Rostock, have signed an LNG Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

  • The LNG hybrid barge will enable the Port of Hamburg to provide cold ironing power to cruise ships

    Becker LNG barge at SMM


    Becker Marine Systems’ LNG Hybrid Barge will be on show at this year’s SMM exhibition, where it will be christened.

  • Market analysis: Investment in % of revenue, weighted by revenue for APMT, PSA, DP World, Cosco Pacific, HHLA and Eurokai (excl. Eurokai and DP World 2005/06) Source: Company reports

    What does the future hold?


    Shipping lines are the centre of attention because the market is very dynamic, due to consolidation in the industry and vessels getting larger in terms of size and fleet. The container terminal industry is dynamic in almost the same way, but not as transparent, writes Daniel Schäfer

  • Top marks: Korfakkan achieved the highest productivity in 2013, according to JOC

    Productivity up in 2013


    JOC’s latest Port Productivity database, which contains loading and unloading speeds for over 483 ports and 771 terminals, reveals that the top 25 operators in each region around the globe all increased productivity in 2013.

  • Cash plug: APM Terminals' Algeciras investment helped the port regain its top transhipment slot

    Transhipment merry-go-round


    The fight for transhipment traffic in the Mediterranean shows no signs of weakening, finds Alex Hughes

  • Ports America is expanding at Long Beach. Photo: Paul Ottaviano

    Ports America expands at Long Beach


    Ports America is expanding its box operations at the Port of Long Beach, with a 30% stake in rival container terminal operator, International Transportation Service (ITS).

  • News

    More Jade Software for North America


    Jade Software is to supply its terminal operating system (TOS), Jade Master Terminal, to Alabama Steel Terminals LLC (AST) – the 10th order from North America in 18 months.

  • News

    World’s largest hydraulic material handler launched


    Finland’s Mantsinen Group has added a new addition, and also the world’s largest, hydraulic material handler to its range.