Latest News – Page 596

  • Clear view: Rotterdam's updated GIS is an improvement on the legacy system

    Evolving landscapes


    GIS technology is constantly evolving to meet the operational requirements of ports, as John Bensalhia discovers

  • News

    Evoqua BWMS accepted by US Coast Guard


    Evoqua Water Technologies’ SeaCURE ballast water management system (BWMS) has received alternate management system (AMS) approval, giving shipowners more choice for type approved and AMS approved solutions.

  • The problem is worsening in Africa. Photo: Jonas B

    Ebola concerns spread to South America


    Ebola concerns continue as more ports in Africa have issued bans against affected vessels, and now South American ports are following in their footsteps.

  • Grand slam: when fully developed DP World's ICTT will be the largest terminal under a single operator in the region

    India's political push


    A new government has the potential to do wonders for India''s port and terminal industry as Iain MacIntyre explains

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    Looking to the Italians


    The Danish Shipowners’ Association says that it expects the new Italian presidency of the EU to take the lead in the implementation of the EU’s MRV proposal to restrict CO2 emissions for shipping.

  • Testing times: the DP World terminal at Canada's Port Metro Vancouver is seeing west coast cargo diversions

    Labour disputes diverting cargo


    Global ratings agency, Fitch Ratings, says that the effects of the labour disputes at US west coast ports are beginning to show, with cargo being diverted setting the stage for broader economic impacts.

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    US port congestion forum


    The US Federal Maritime Commission is holding a public forum on tackling port congestion and all industry stakeholders, regulators and the general public are being urged to attend.

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    New solution set to ‘turbocharge’ gas market


    American Power Group (APG) is working with Scotland-based Marine Fuel Conversions (MFC) to find potential applications and opportunities for its dual-fuel gas solution.

  • Uplifting: residents need to look beyond the inconveniences of the Bayonne Bridge raising works to everyday life. Credit: Matt Green

    Lifting local spirits


    COMMENT: The traffic reports on New York area drive-time radio have revealed that the Bayonne Bridge will be seeing closures on weekends and during overnight hours, as work continues on the ''Raise the Roadway'' project, writes Barry Parker.

  • Loud and clear: a worker jacket carries the message: Zero accidents

    The hidden message


    H&S campaigns falling short? There may be more to the message than the signpost finds Stevie Knight

  • “The port of Barcelona is very proud and honoured to host GreenPort Congress and GreenPort Cruise Conference in October,” says Mr Garcia-Milà

    Focused on enlarging and strengthening the hinterland


    The port of Barcelona is a crucial transport and services infrastructure in the Euro-Mediterranean area. On 14-17 October, the port will be hosting the 9th GreenPort Congress and 2nd Cruise Conference. GreenPort Editor, Daniëlla Arbyn Havugimana spoke with the Deputy Director General of the port of Barcelona, Santiago Garcia-Milà.

  • The DUKC software is already in use at New Zealand's Port Taranaki

    OMC helps green ports dig deeper


    Australian maritime engineering company, OMC International, is helping ports prepare for larger loads and bigger ships while still remaining ‘green’.

  • The new trial incentive is modelled on the speed reduction programme at the Port of Long Beach

    Slowing down to cut emissions


    Six global shipping companies are participating in a new trial incentive programme in the Santa Barbara Channel off the coast of California to slow cargo ships down in order to reduce air pollution.

  • Are autonomous robotic vessels the future of port security?

    Security on the cheap


    New cost effective unmanned vehicles could be perfect for port operations, finds Stevie Knight

  • All bases: Antwerp wanted a BI product that could retrieve data from different databases and combine the information into useful reports. Credit: Alex De Mey

    Buying into BI


    The ports sector has much to gain from exploiting Business Intelligence. Felicity Landon reports

  • Coraggio Maglio accepts the IADC Award

    Maglio named as IADC’s ‘Young Author’


    The International Association of Dredging Companies has celebrated excellence in dredging and maritime research with its Young Authors Award.

  • Kalmar's straddle carriers are set to boost productivity in Durban

    Kalmar helps boost Durban productivity


    Kalmar is to supply 10 straddle carriers to Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) Durban Pier 2, a dedicated straddle carrier operation in South Africa currently handling a throughput of 2.4 million teu.

  • Port authorities fear the Ebola outbreak could reach Abidjan

    Ebola epidemic halts Ivory Coast calls


    The African ports of Abidjan and San Pedro in Ivory Coast are thought to be the first to deny entry to vessels arriving from a country which is experiencing an outbreak of Ebola.

  • The Ichthys LNG Project is making progress. Photo: Ichthys LNG

    Ichthys LNG completes Darwin dredging


    Ichthys LNG Project has completed the dredging and disposal of Darwin harbour, removing around 16 million cubic metres of rock and sand to create a deep shipping channel and berthing area for LNG carriers.

  • Congestion troubles at Rotterdam means some cargo is being diverted to nearby ports. Photo: Roman Boed

    Rotterdam takes action


    As the shipping season reaches its peak, the Port of Rotterdam is seeing an increase in congestion, causing shipping companies to divert cargo to nearby Antwerp.