Latest News – Page 432

  • Reaching out: working in silo will work no longer

    Collaborate to innovate


    Collaboration is the only way for businesses to tackle digital innovation, says Data61''s Thomas Vitsounis

  • Ready: ports need to be prepared for every eventuality. Credit: Coast Guard News

    Preparing for the unexpected


    Emergency planning, defensible decision making and long-term strategies are crucial to ports in times of crisis, as TMG''s Tony Birr and Les Chapman explain

  • The Port of Maputo is a diamond that is in the process of being polished.

    Eastern promise


    Ports on the East African coast remain valuable as facilitators of trade, finds Kerry Dimmer

  • News

    Forget business as usual


    COMMENT: It is increasingly clear that car transport is at the brink of radical changes, driven by technological advances in autonomous driving and changing ownership patterns of cars, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Uplifting: picking up a connected ‘Blok’ of empties is likened to picking up a six-pack of beer rather than a single can at a time

    Reinventing the box


    Innovations for the humble container never seem to stick. Stevie Knight investigates

  • Together: many actors collaborate during a port call. Credit: Lind M., Haraldson S., Karlsson M., Watson R.T. (2016) Overcoming the inability to predict - a PortCDM future, 10th IHMA Congress – Global Port & Marine Operations, 30th May – 2nd May...

    Beauty of co-ordinated port calls


    Mikael Lind advises co-ordination for enhanced predictability of port call operations

  • First mover: London Gateway launched its app to satisfy its customers’ thirst for knowledge. Credit: Department for Transport

    Putting potential into practice


    The digital economy is crucial to creating a more efficient and transparent supply chain, finds Lara Shingles

  • Growth: Russia has significantly expanded grain handling capacity since 2010. Credit: Valeri Pizhanski

    With the grain


    Bulk terminal investments and equipment upgrades are surging, finds Michael King

  • Waiting game: Spain's port are suffering from the reform delays. Credit: APM Terminals

    Spain’s second stab at reforms


    COMMENT: Spain’s Council of Ministers has approved the content of what is intended to become the new national stowage law and is readying to pass it into law via a Royal Decree. It has not, however, arrived at this juncture without controversy, writes Mike Mundy.

  • new ferry serving New York City

    Mixing cargo and commuters


    COMMENT: This year, ferry transport is all the rage, at least around New York, writes Barry Parker.

  • JLT-2-Operator-using-JLT-VERSO-system-at-BCT-Gdynia.jpg

    Computer gains


    Rugged computers are doing the job in style for port operators. John Bensalhia reports

  • News

    Round and round


    COMMENT: The circular economy is firmly on the agenda of the European Commission right now - it was in the final throes of agreeing seemingly contentious new waste and recycling laws at the time of writing, writes Carly Fields.

  • News

    Disruption takes many forms


    COMMENT: I recently attended the Terminal Operators Conference in Singapore where there was a lot of discussion about digitalisation, and blockchain - it was not clear to me whether the audience really understood the meaning or full implications of either, writes Ben Hackett.

  • Sold: the most recent Greek port tender has some unexplained peculiarities. Credit: Maureen Barlin

    The Thessaloniki saga


    COMMENT: Over 10 years on from the time of the first concession attempt for the northern Greek port of Thessaloniki the port has finally been privatised, but is the result the best one and did the process really live up to European Union standards of transparency or are the Greek ...

  • Added bonus: Antwerp sees its Deurganck Dock as a 'golden opportunity' to serve the big alliances

    Chances and challenges


    There''s renewed focus on the opportunities for Europe’s ports, as Felicity Landon explains

  • Tying up: Amsterdam is focusing on the port’s role in improving quality of life in Amsterdam and its surrounding area

    A coal-free future


    Amsterdam is bucking trends to carve its own path, as Felicity Landon explains

  • Pre-programmed: automation take-up is expected to increase. Credit: Port of Hamburg

    Brave operators


    Carly Fields finds out why you need nerves of steel to run a port in today’s business environment

  • Knowledge: mature and resilient ports should have a clear understanding of risk levels. Credit: SounderBruce

    Lacking resiliency focus


    Too often ports wait for a disaster to put in place proper resilience planning. Alex Hughes reports

  • Money maker: a taxing system for robots need to be developed to maintain societal balances

    Balancing automation and taxation


    Olaf Merk explains why ports should take the lead in defining how to tax automated industries

  • Buddy up: ship-to-ship LNG bunkering is an option for ports. Credit: Skangas

    Fuelling the LNG revolution


    Carly Fields spoke with SEA\LNG chief operating officer Stephen Cadden and Port of Rotterdam business manager LNG, bunkering and cruise, Maud Eijgendaal about the opportunities for ports looking to join the liquefied natural gas bunkering revolution