Latest News – Page 425

  • News

    Construction defects put back Moín opening


    APM Terminals has put back until June 2018 the opening of its Moín container terminal, in Limón, Costa Rica.

  • News

    Anesco president resigns


    Joaquim Coello has resigned as president of Anesco, Spain’s National Association of Stevedoring and Ship Consignment Companies. Until recently, he had headed up the organisation’s negotiating team that was trying to strike a new agreement with the country’s stevedoring unions.

  • News

    Local Maori challenge Lyttelton consent


    Ngai Tahi’s legal representation has demanded Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) commit to a NZ$1m bond to ensure it improves the environment, if consented to deepen its shipping channel from the current low-tide of 12-12.5 metres to about 17-18 metres.

  • Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan

    Asia trade boost from LNG bunkering group


    Three ports have joined an international LNG bunkering port focus group set up to boost the uptake of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as marine fuel and expected to increase Intra-Asia trade routes in Asia.

  • The energy storage system will be utilised during all aspects of the PSV’s operation

    Hybrid solution reduces emissions and cost


    Corvus Energy will supply battery power for the hybridisation of Farstad Shipping’s PSV ''Far Sun'' to reduce emissions and lower operating costs.

  • Iberian Peninsula

    Study predicts LNG bunkering surge


    DNV GL has conducted a study into the future LNG bunkering market in the Iberian Peninsula, demand for which looks set to surge by 2050.

  • IMO’s MEPC meeting

    Ballast Water Management progress “too slow”


    The installation timeframe for ballast water management systems has been extended until September 2024, prompting some NGOs to say decarbonisation policy is moving too slowly.

  • Port of Sohar

    Qatar boycott benefits Oman's ports


    Oman, rather than the UAE, is benefitting from the Middle East economic blockade of Qatar, Qatar’s Hamad Port has indicated.

  • Thinking big: Dar es Salaam’s volumes could double to 38 million tonnes by 2030 Photo: Tanzania Ports Authority

    World Bank backs Dar es Salaam


    Capacity at Tanzania''s Port of Dar es Salaam looks set to increase to 25 million tonnes over the next seven years thanks to a World Bank grant of US$12 million.

  • GAC's green HullWiper system uses adjustable sea water jets to remove fouling

    Anti-contamination first in Copenhagen


    The first cruise vessel in Copenhagen has had its hull cleaned with pioneering ROV technology that keeps contaminates out of the water.

  • Brevis’s factory is conveniently located just 130km away from the Port of Varna

    A global leader in grain and seed handling


    When it comes to efficient bulk handling, Cimbria is known globally for its extensive products and services which support the cleaning, sorting, treating, drying, storage and conveyance of grain and seed.

  • In Venice, Panolin EAL is used in the hydraulic cylinders of the garbage cage lifting cranes

    Environmentally friendly lubricants


    Whatever you call them – bio oils or green lubricants, these environmentally ‘acceptable’ lubricants (EALs) are increasing significantly in their use, particularly where water is close-by, writes Phil Cumberlidge, Panolin International Inc.

  • Visedo's PowerDRUM unit solution

    Revolutionising electrification of marine transport


    Harbour cities across Asia depend on diesel ferries to transport millions of passengers each year. They are a dirty but necessary part of life, with marine transport adding to air pollution that is blamed for thousands of deaths each year and adding to greenhouse gas emissions, writes Kimmo Rauma, CEO ...

  • Noatum Container Terminal Valencia

    Value of Cosco’s Noatum stake questioned


    Chinese port operator Cosco Shipping Ports (CSP) faces a “probable write-down” when the Spanish assets of its latest investment, Noatum Port Holdings (NPH), are tested for impairment, analysts have said.

  • MEPC 71

    MEPC approves BWM treaty draft amendments


    The IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 71) has approved draft amendments to the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention treaty linking BWM installation implementation schedules to ships’ renewal surveys.

  • Kuenz crane

    Kuenz aerodynamic crane design


    Austria-founded Kuenz has produced an aerodynamic crane design designed to save energy, in a bid to meet the future challenges of container terminals.

  • Hiab

    Hiab launches connected solutions offering


    A new “connected solutions” offering by Hiab aims to enhance the productivity, efficiency, and safety of its equipment for fleet operators.

  • The major order is the latest in a series of spreader orders for Kuenz

    Major Tangier order for Bromma


    Bromma has received a major order consisting of 36 all-electric YSX45E spreaders from Kuenz which will equip automated stacking cranes at APMT’s new Tangier-Med 2 container terminal.

  • Ships participating in ESI

    ESI to evaluate CO2


    The Environmental Ship Index (ESI) will be first sustainable quality mark in international shipping to evaluate the performance of vessels in reducing CO2.

  • Seaspan’s two new ferries delivered this year broke new ground by combining LNG propulsion with ESS Photo: Seaspan

    BV adds hybrid power and battery rules


    Bureau Veritas has consolidated its experience in the field of hybrid vessels with a new series of notations and rules addressing energy storage systems (ESS) to support ship operators in reducing emissions.