Latest News – Page 415

  • Strategically located: Japan sees Sihanoukville Port as a key logistics hub Photo: PAS

    Funding green light propels Sihanoukville


    A Japanese loan agreement has given the green light needed to begin development on a new deep water terminal in Cambodia to cater for increased business and larger vessels.

  • Port of Los Angeles

    Air pollution drops at LA despite record year


    Air pollution at the Port of Los Angeles dropped in 2016 despite it handling a record amount of cargo.

  • During its 17-day voyage, the Fantastiko crew will research first-hand the sources of and impact made by plastic pollution

    Ocean plastics support from ABB


    Swiss power company ABB is underlining its green commitment to the ocean by providing shipboard systems to a vessel which researches plastic pollution.

  • sponsorship cropped

    Emissions reducing or cost-saving solution?


    Sponsorship packages for the 2017 GreenPort Cruise Conference and GreenPort Congress are being snapped up quickly. With RightShip confirmed as Gold sponsor for the third year running, take up for this year’s event, which will feature highly interactive programmes, is high.

  • Port Strategy Photo

    Creating partnerships for sustainable development


    The 2017 GreenPort Congress will cover Port-City Integration, Sustainability reporting, Creating the port of the future, Port expansion and development, Impact of the energy transition, Carbon footprinting and creating responsible supply chains – can you afford not to be there. Book now to join port practitioners from across the ...

  • programme cropped

    GreenPort Cruise enjoys support of leading organisations


    With cruise passenger numbers still on the increase and cruise terminals and associated infrastructure dealing with the consequences, leading associations such as MedCruise, Cruise Europe, CLIA (Europe), AssoPorti, Baltic Ports and ESPO will all be supporting the 5th edition, highlighting the importance of the event to the sector.

  • Rival: Balboa is facing competition from the expanding PSA Panama International Terminal

    New dynamics


    The expanded Panama Canal is driving change in Central America. Felicity Landon reports

  • Snags: automation is the future, but perhaps not the immediate future

    Automation failings


    Automation has yet to deliver its promised productivity. Stevie Knight asks what''s the problem

  • Issues: the Bayonne Bridge lift has helped volumes but there are other challenges on the horizon. Credit: Alec Perkins

    Attractions of port property


    COMMENT: For ports around the US, the news is good. With an economy that’s chugging along very nicely, volumes of imports are projected to reach record levels as transits and port calls of neo-panamax ships become commonplace, writes Barry Parker

  • Charged: power supplies must be properly isolated before working on port equipment

    Why power isolation matters


    TT Club’s Laurence Jones draws attention to a little understood danger in cargo handling facilities

  • Car claims: Chinese investment is helping to boost Hambantota's prospects in Sri Lanka

    Rough road ahead


    India is tackling port modernisation, but there are road bumps ahead. Michael Mackey reports

  • Looped in: blue collar workers need to be informed of plans in advance

    Making change count


    Saab’s Nico Berx explains why managing change is essential for successful port innovation projects

  • APMT's Maasvlakte terminal

    Code red for cyber attacks in ports


    Cyber attacks are real and coming to a port near you.

  • News

    A pinch of salt needed


    COMMENT: We live in a disrupted world where President Donald Trump in America is seemingly intent on destroying democracy and European Chief Negotiator for Brexit, Michel Barnier appears to only be able to offer a ‘take it or leave it’ stance when it comes to a so-called hard Brexit, writes ...

  • Agreement: Spain's ports are now one step closer to stevedore reform. Credit: Jorge Franganillo

    A stacked deck


    COMMENT: The five-month long industrial relations conflict in Spain’s ports has ended, but has it ended in a satisfactory way?

  • Mixed view: volumes at Balboa (pictured) are static, while Cristobal has seen "exceptionally strong volumes"

    Balancing volumes


    Panama Ports Co is adapting to changes in the region, explains Felicity Landon

  • Overdrive: terminals opting for battery-powered AGVs, like Rotterdam World Gateway, need a fully automated battery charging and replacement facility

    It's electrifying


    Electrification of equipment is in vogue, but does it pay off, asks Alex Hughes

  • News

    Geopolitics and port development


    COMMENT: Port development often has an important geopolitical dimension, writes Peter de Langen

  • Calculation: the amount of fuel used translates directly into CO2 emissions

    Tell the carbon tale


    Ports must not delay making carbon calculations, explains Stevie Knight

  • Joined up: ports can benefit from sharing assets

    Sharing's caring


    Olaf Merk explains why mutualising assets is a win-win for neighbouring terminals