Latest News – Page 369

  • This year’s conference was the fifth time the Collaborative has met since 2006, the third time in Los Angeles

    Port of Los Angeles hosts clean air collaborative


    Participants from ports around the Pacific Rim, Asia, the Americas and Europe have gathered in Los Angeles to discuss innovations and best practices for reducing emissions from port-related operations.

  • Khalifa's new container freight station will be used to load metal into containers for transfer onto ships for export

    Khalifa freight station takes trucks off the roads


    A new container freight station at Khalifa Port in the UAE aims to improve logistics efficiency and environmental performance by reducing truck movements.

  • Genoa is completing a shore power project to help it meet EU environmental sustainability standards

    Ship to shore power contract for Port of Genoa


    Genoa Port in Italy is set to benefit from a €8 million ship to shore power project to help it meet EU environmental sustainability standards.

  • Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore

    Partnerships a focus of GreenPort Congress America


    Building partnerships with stakeholders will be a key topic at the GreenPort Congress Conference America.

  • POLB is revising its Master Plan to reflect a new era of global shipping, technology and environmental stewardship

    Port of Long Beach plans zero emissions long term


    The Port of Long Beach has received a US$9.7 million grant from the California Energy Commission to demonstrate zero-emissions cargo handling equipment.

  • Port of Wilmington Delaware

    Preliminary Gulftainer Wilmington lease


    Gulftainer Group has reached a preliminary agreement with the State of Delaware to lease the Port of Wilmington Delaware from the Diamond State Port Corporation (DSPC).

  • The Suakin development project, scheduled to end by 2020, will see Sudan get 51% of its returns, while Qatar will get 49% Photo: Bertramz/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0

    Qatar and Sudan to develop Suakin port


    Qatar and Sudan have made a $4bn deal to develop Sudan’s second-biggest port, Suakin, located in the northeast of the country.

  • Doraleh Container Terminal

    DP World: No Doraleh offer made


    DP World confirmed it hasn’t received a purchase offer for its 33% stake in Doraleh Container Terminal following state-controlled Djibouti Ports and Free Zone Authority’s (DPFZA) claim that it is prepared to buy the company out to avoid legal action.

  • The buoys integrate a real time non-contact hydrocarbon sensor in the high visibility top frame design

    Oil spill monitoring buoys gain notoriety


    An integrated systems manufacturers is reporting high levels of interest in its oil spill monitoring buoys following several recent port and harbour installations in the Middle East.

  • Trump’s promise to slap levies on certain goods is bad for trade. Credit: Michael Vadon

    Tariff war threat is real


    COMMENT: It seems that a sense of madness has descended on the Trump administration and, in response, Europe is joining the madness, writes Ben Hackett.

  • Tilbury is poised for 'massive' expansion

    Getting over the ‘B’ word in the UK


    Like it or not, Brexit continues to dominate the agenda for the UK ports sector, reports Felicity Landon

  • Ports should do more to capture data relevant to fenders

    Safeguarding the ship to shore interface


    While they may not steal the limelight for most visible port assets, fenders form the backbone of quay protection, finds Alex Hughes

  • Public investment in dredging at Liverpool has been criticised. Credit: Andrew

    Who should pay for infrastructure?


    COMMENT: Who picks up the bill for infrastructure investments is a key issue in port development, writes Peter de Langen

  • News

    Fair and proper process the only way


    COMMENT: Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya, and James Macharia, transport cabinet secretary, have been piling the pressure on Catherine Mturi-Wairi, managing director of the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), to achieve greater freight movement on the new Chinese-built standard gauge railway (SGR) connecting Mombasa with Nairobi, writes Mike Mundy.

  • Keep truck drivers safe by following best practice procedures. Credit - National Renewable Energy Lab

    Easy wins for traffic management


    COMMENT: A number of recent fatalities resulting from mobile equipment accidents have again highlighted the need to improve traffic management in terminals, writes Laurence Jones.

  • At Tilbury a new simulator is no part of the training mix

    Training - to what degree?


    Apprenticeships or graduates? Felicity Landon considers the way forward in the ports industry

  • The next wave of tech could overhaul current green thinking at ports

    Supporting clean tech in ports


    COMMENT: The constant ripples of discord emanating from Brexit negotiations or the White House can leave us wallowing in negativity, writes Charles Haine

  • The SAURON project aims to produce an integrated, scalable but installation-specific solution for protecting EU ports. Credit:

    Invisible enemy at the port gate


    Stevie Knight discovers that ports are, sometimes unwittingly, in the front line when it comes to cyber attacks

  • Alliance shuffling lost Klang 9% of its volumes – which swung back to old rival, Singapore

    Southeast Asia awash with possibilities


    Some - but not all - of the region’s potential will live up to its promise, writes Stevie Knight

  • Enviva has a biomass presence in two US ports. Credit: Enviva

    Breaking into the biomass arena


    Martin Rushmere finds that more ports and terminals are dipping into biomass cargo handling