Latest News – Page 293

  • electric forklift trucks

    Collaborative working key to "net zero" goal


    The ports sector can expect to see innovative concession agreements alongside increased shoreside power and electric equipment usage following the UK Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation for the government to adopt a "net zero" goal for greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

  • Halterm Container Terminal

    PSA picks up Macquarie disposals


    PSA International said it has finalised an agreement to acquire Halterm Container Terminal in Canada’s Port of Halifax and Penn Terminals in Pennsylvania, US from Macquarie Infrastructure Partners.

  • News

    Guatemala invests to eliminate port congestion


    The government of Guatemala must invest $133m into its ports’ network in order to reduce congestion and improve operations at existing terminals, according to officials.

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    Just one bid for box terminal concession


    Santa Fe-based Mundo Construcciones has been confirmed as the only bidder for the concession to operate a container and general cargo terminal at the Argentinian Port of Santa Fe.

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    Three major port projects underway in Peru


    In Peru, an updated Macroeconomic Projections 2019-2022 report prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Finance has revealed that three port projects are currently absorbing significant amounts of investment.

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    China to invest $450m in Peru


    In Peru, the regional governor of Ancash state, Juan Carlos Morillo Ulloa, has revealed that China Communication Construction Company (CCCC) is to invest more than $450m in an upgrade of the Port of Chimbote.

  • News

    Costa Rican port faces operational collapse


    The Costa Rican Pacific ports institute, Instituto Costarricense de Puertos del Pacifico (INCOP), has claimed that the Port of Caldera has effectively reached a point of collapse, with few options open to it under the existing operations contract.

  • News

    The sky isn't falling in on cargo demand... yet


    While the sky “isn’t falling in”, as one speaker put it, there was a definite air of negativity on the global economic outlook at TOC Asia’s conference in Singapore.

  • electric forklift trucks.

    Collaborative working key to "net zero" goal


    The ports sector can expect to see innovative concession agreements alongside increased shoreside power and electric equipment usage following the UK Committee on Climate Change’s recommendation for the government to adopt a "net zero" goal for greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

  • Long Beach Container Terminal

    Long Beach usage agreement helps COSCO


    A 20-year usage agreement made as part of Orient Overseas (International) Limited''s (OOIL) US$1.78bn sale of Long Beach Container Terminal to Macquarie Group subsidiary Olivia Holdings will ensure a continued benefit for OOIL''s subsidary Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) and its owner Cosco Shipping Holdings.

  • Port Kembla LNG terminal

    Port Kembla LNG terminal approved


    Australia’s New South Wales Government has awarded development consent to Australian Industrial Energy’s (AIE) LNG import terminal project at Port Kembla.

  • EGCS

    Open-loop scrubbers to stay in use


    The Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 (CSA 2020) said it has received no-objection letters from more than 20 port authorities indicating they won’t ban the use of open-loop scrubbers in their waters.

  • Port of Blyth

    Ports part of eco solution


    Ports are part of the solution to economic and environmental challenges, the new chairperson of the British Ports Association (BPA) has said.

  • The ICTSI boss said that new ports that have come online have delivered “stronger growth than what the global trade reflects” (image is for illustrative purposes only)

    Razon: Mixed bag for ICTSI ports this year


    The chairman and president of ICTSI, Enrique Razon, Jr, has said that the business’ ports face mixed prospects in 2019.

  • LNG terminal

    Polish LNG terminal extension grant


    The Polish government and Polskie LNG have signed a grant agreement for the extension of the LNG terminal in Swinoujscie, north west Poland.

  • Robots and humans can work in partnership. Credit: NearEMPTiness CC.4.0

    Bringing people on the tech journey


    Automation and AI are pushing forward but as Stevie Knight asks, what happens to the workforce?

  • UK ports are frustrated by the lack of movement on laudable Maritime 2050 actions. Credit: Matt Buck

    Frustration of a one-track planning environment


    Brexit: UK ports can''t be sure about it, can''t get past it and can''t ignore it. But, as Felicity Landon reports, they are trying to look beyond it

  • Itapoá is championing its successes. Credit: Porto Itapoá

    Bucking the national trend


    Porto Itapoá invests beyond increased throughput and potential automation for its future success, writes Carly Fields

  • Different container port stakeholders were represented on stage at Navis World. Credit: Navis

    Diving off the TOS springboard


    Navis has moved far beyond its terminal operation system origins with its multitude of product offerings, writes Carly Fields

  • Rotterdam has had to warn customers about fake versions of its website. Credit: Port of Rotterdam

    Too good to be true


    Fakes, forgeries and misleading claims: ports and shippers would do well to question things more often. Felicity Landon reports