Latest News – Page 269

  • beetle

    Port-created habitat rich with wildlife


    A wildlife area created six years ago to offset losses of habitat from a development at a UK port has proved so successful it has been ranked by a top entomological consultant as of national importance for insects and other invertebrates.

  • CMPort

    “Consolidation” driving latest China move


    Strategic cooperation agreements signed by a Chinese-owned port operator reflect a growing effort to “consolidate Chinese resources and activities” rather than the Belt and Road Initiative, a port expert has said.

  • Port of Sabetta

    Icebreaker to assist at Arctic LNG terminal


    A 12MW diesel-electric port icebreaker will soon be operating at an Arctic LNG terminal to ensure smooth operations in challenging conditions.

  • cranes

    Call for technology innovation


    The UK’s largest port operator is co-running a competition for UK technology businesses to provide innovative solutions to help provide energy saving, emissions reduction and efficiency boosting measures which can improve the sustainability of port operations.

  • cranes

    Call for technology innovation


    The UK’s largest port operator is co-running a competition for UK technology businesses to provide innovative solutions to help provide energy saving, emissions reduction and efficiency boosting measures which can improve the sustainability of port operations.

  • Port of Antwerp

    Two European ports in merger talks


    Two European port authorities are set to begin negotiations for a possible phased merger to strengthen their operations.

  • Small ports talk sustainability

    Small ports take big steps for sustainability


    Small ports are taking big steps to tackle emissions and build operational environmental awareness with limited resources.

  • ABP’s Incident Management Team has taken part in an oil spill exercise at the Port of Hull Photo: ABP

    Port team in oil spill exercise


    A UK port has played host to an annual oil spill exercise to ensure that contingency plans are robust and effective.

  • UK ports have responded to the latest Brexit deal Photo: flickr

    UK ports respond to new Brexit deal


    The British Ports Association (BPA) and UK Major Ports Group (UKMPG) have responded to the latest EU withdrawal agreement currently awaiting parliamentary approval.

  • The Port of Baku receives its first PERS certificate at GreenPort Cruise and Congress 2019 Photo: Rebecca Jeffrey/Mercatormedia

    Three ports gain Ecoports certification


    Three ports have been awarded Ecoports’ PERS standard by ESPO during GreenPort Cruise and Congress 2019.

  • Tom Strang, SVP maritime affairs at Carnival, speaking at GreenPort Congress Photo: Rebecca Jeffrey/Mercatormedia

    Day one round-up


    Both cruise and port stakeholders showed they are playing a key role in sustainable shipping at GreenPort Cruise and Congress 2019.

  • 2019 Conference dinner hosted by Port of Oslo

    Conference Dinner hosted by Port of Oslo


    Delegates at day one of GreenPort Cruise & Congress attended the conference dinner last night at Tjuvholmen Sjømagasin, a restaurant specialising in fish and seafood in the heart of Oslo.

  • Did you miss day 1?

    Did you miss day one of GreenPort Cruise & Congress 2019?


    GreenPort Cruise & Congress 2019, hosted by Port of Oslo kicked off yesterday at the Felix Conference Centre, Oslo, Norway.

  • KN is negotiating a deal to supply terminal services to the largest LNG terminal in Latin America Photo: GNA

    LNG services agreement in Latin America


    Operational negotiations are underway for the largest natural gas power plant and LNG terminal project in Latin America.

  • ESPO has presented its Environmental Report 2019 at GreenPort Congress Photo: ESPO

    Air quality top priority for Europe’s ports


    Air quality is once again the top priority for Europe’s ports, according to ESPO which presented findings from its latest environmental report at the GreenPort Congress in Oslo.

  • The Port of Southampton has reduced levels of nitrogen dioxide Photo: ABP

    UK port delivers on air quality pledges


    One year on since releasing its Air Quality Strategy, the Port of Southampton has revealed significantly improved average levels of nitrogen dioxide across the port.

  • Tom Strang, SVP maritime affairs at Carnival, speaking at GreenPort Congress Photo: Rebecca Jeffrey/Mercatormedia

    Congress: Cruise and ports hot on R and D


    Both cruise and port stakeholders showed they are playing a key role in sustainable shipping at GreenPort Cruise and Congress 2019.

  • The port authority at Milford Haven believes creating a free port would help new energy developments prosper Photo: MHPA

    Could free ports help stem climate crisis?


    A UK port authority believes that the creation of free ports could help new energy developments to prosper.

  • Port of Oslo

    New Congress format at the Port of Oslo


    The Port of Oslo is preparing to welcome delegates to GreenPort Cruise & Congress in a combined event that offers more choice than ever.

  • containers

    UK trade association launches youth board


    A UK trade association has created a youth board to provide an advisory perspective on its strategy in line with helping support future leaders of the ports sector.