Latest News – Page 1042

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    Busan policy shift


    Port management have wised up to reality and are seeking out new ways to boost stagnant volumes, as Wing Kah-goh finds out

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    Shaking new ground


    Regarded as very flexible but ''energy hungry''machines, pneumatic unloaders for bulk product are getting more sophisticated and are making use of new types of energy-efficient electronic controls. David Foxwell reports

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    Call in the Experts


    As terminal throughputs rocket and crane technology becomes increasingly complex,more operators are turning to outside specialists for their equipment maintenance. Felicity Landon reports

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    Hands-on approach


    In the Port of Liverpool, equipment maintenance at the Seaforth Container Terminal is outsourced - but through some very clearly defined contracts, and the management of these contracts remains with Mersey Ports, says chief engineer Tim Bownes.

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    Frontline focus


    The Port of Felixstowe employs 230 engineers and the majority of its frontline maintenance - including quay cranes and yard cranes - is carried out in-house, supported by specialist contractors, says Hutchison Ports (UK) spokesman Paul Davey. "We do use some third party contractors and suppliers to maintain other hired ...

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    What customers want


    Kalmar Industries says customers have many reasons for looking towards outsourcing of maintenance and support services. As well as obvious factors such as flexibility and cost reductions,port operators often have a lack of skilled people.

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    Winds of Change


    Brownfield sites and generally windy conditions near the coast - what better place than a port to put up wind turbines? Felicity Landon finds out how ports can harness alternative energy

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    Record-breaking energy farming


    Approval for planned wind farms off the UK''s Kent coast could put the Port of Ramsgate at the centre of the new development. The London Array, the world''s largest wind farm project, will consist of 341 turbines situated between Margate and Clacton.

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    Blazing a trail


    The United Kingdom port of Blyth is something of a centre of excellence when it comes to renewables.

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    The trick is to design a low cost terminal with an early start-up,which is ready for future expansion, as Felicity Landon finds out

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    Stacking high


    How high to stack? Many rubber-tyred gantry (RTG) yards stack one over five and there is talk of one over six becoming more commonplace, says Royal Haskoning''s Jonathan Tyler.

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    Changing course


    Denmark''s piloting sector has opened its doors.Will this overhaul further improve an already well-performing industry or become a massive cross to bear? Alex Hughes finds out

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    Lessons to be learnt


    Australia''s experience of liberalisation of its pilotage industry has been less than positive.Alex Hughes examines what went wrong

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    Green credentials


    "Environment"is a word that will progressively burn its way into the psyche of business in the 21st century. Inevitably, with trends in motion such as global warming, there will increasingly be a balance to be struck between the requirements of  business and those of preserving the environment.

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    More trouble at the transhipment "mill"


    More labour trouble in Gioia Tauro to the extent that Contship Italia, the transhipment terminal''s operator, has issued threats about exiting the terminal. The visible cause of the problems is the newly formed union Sindacato dei Lavoratori (SdL) which claims to represent 350 of the terminal''s 650 workers and which ...

  • march16.JPG

    Costly Hong Kong


    There has been much speculation on the highly unusual activity of a group of business and academic persons who, under C C Tung as convener, have been charged with making Hong Kong more competitive in the marine and logistics fields. The idea is to combine this work with that of ...

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    A dose of collective amnesia


    The flurry of activity at shipyards, as new orders come in for ever larger containerships, appears to have no end in sight.Combine this with the increasing size of terminal operators and the need for new mega ports to cater for the China (and Indian) cargoes and we see the results ...

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    Money vs expertise


    This issue''s article, Easy Money, highlights the increasing attractiveness of the ports sector to investment banks, infrastructure and pension funds. They are now figuring to an increasing extent in the growing port facility resale market - a deal just announced providing further evidence of this,namely the sale of Maher Terminals, ...

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    TT terrorism coverage


    In a bid to address one of the biggest threats to maritime trade and one widely feared by terminal operators, the TT Club now offers cover for nuclear and bio-chemical terrorism. This the Club describes as an "industry-leading initiative that recognises and responds to demands from the industry that it ...

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    Ex-PSA managers boost Aden throughput


    Overseas Port Management (OPM), managed by several ex-PSA executives, has been granted a one-year extension to its three-year contract at Aden Container Terminal.