Latest News – Page 1023

  • News

    Lashing@Sea puts crew safety centre stage


    Health and safety aspects for lashing crews and ship crews are a central part of the Lashing@Sea joint industry project which was launched last year to look at the need for the right balance between safety and operational efficiency for container,ro-ro and heavy lift transport. 

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    Where does the buck stop?


    For the P& I clubs, the dangers associated with lashing operations are only too clear. 

  • Beauty and brains: Kalmar has paid particular attention to driver comfort and machine productivity in its new icon series

    Powerful Pulling


    Manufacturers are responding to demands for enhanced productivity by introducing more cost-effective, environmentally friendly terminal tractors, as David Foxwell explains

  • Extra headroom: Terberg has introduced a new, fuel efficient transmission, and raised roof option for its tractors

    Transmission re-vamp


    Terberg’ s overhaul of its terminal tractors’ powering gear has made a significant dent in fuel consumption, as David Foxwell reports

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    Handling success for innovative TTS cassettes


    In recent weeks, TTS Liftec Oy has secured a substantial contract from UPM-Kymmene Seaways, one of the world’ s leading forest products groups, for the supply of 200 cassettes that will be used to transport products such as paper and timber on routes between Finland and Santander and Ferrol in ...

  • Standing tall: TSI rings in the changes with a hybrid RTG trial

    Energy boost


    Ports are taking up the green challenge, seeking out various ways of reducing both fuel consumption and engine emissions. Alex Hughes reports

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    TSI powers ahead with hybrid crane trials


    TSI Terminal Systems Inc, which operates the Deltaport and Vanterm container terminals in the Port of Vancouver, is trialling a new hybrid RTG,which is able to regenerate kinetic and potential energy to battery banks during braking manoeuvres. 

  • Smooth operator: HIT's electric RTGs are just one of the port's green solutions

    No stone unturned


    HIT is hedging its bets running a number of ‘ green schemes’ concurrently to improve RTG emissions and noise, as Alex Hughes explains

  • A brave face: TAMP's cap of charges at NSICT raised eyebrows

    Wake-up call


    Time for a serious rethink on regulating port pricing in India’ s major ports. Mike Mundy explains why

  • Source: Ministry of Shipping Road Transport & Highways.

    Personal banking


    India needs to capture private sector investment if it is to realise its full future potential. Gordon Feller reports

  • Come together: PST wants to consolidate several opertions scattered throughout the Port of Los Angeles

    The spice of life


    Contrasting schemes from two major consultants prove that there’ s more than one way to skin a port cat, as Alex Hughes discovers

  • Creativity call: To keep disruption to a minimum BMT had to pre-cast Vopak's terminal expansion components on shore

    Gas-guzzlers help Vopak expansion


    Increased demand for petroleum drove Vopak Terminal Singapore Pte Ltd to revisit its jetty layout and capacity at its Petroleum Storage Terminal at Banyan Basin on Singapore’ s Jurong Island. 

  • News

    Another beast in the offing


    In late April this year, King Mohammed VI announced that yet another mega-port is planned in the Strait of Gibraltar. It will be situated between Tangier and Tangier Med and completion is expected by 2015. 

  • Digging deep: the new Tangier Med port development will boast a depth of 18m

    African dreams realised


    Continent’ s new super-port takes shape, with a facility to rival the traditional Mediterranean mega-hubs. Henrik Byrn reports

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    Dancing out-of-step with the Greenback


    The music has not stopped yet. But even though interest rates have risen, the infrastructure deal business has not been slowing down – “ there’ s more money out there than there are saleable assets at the moment – the supply gap is  driving up prices” , according to Manju ...

  • Careless handling:woe betide the bidder that uses a courier rather than hand delivery for his bid in Dakar

    Dakar dealings


    Back in the May issue of PS you may recall that there appeared to be some strange things going on with the concessioning of the Dakar container terminal in Senegal. Remember one of the qualifying technical criteria for parties to qualify to submit an Expression of Interest was to handle ...

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    Capacity crunch


    That word is back again: “ congestion” , and along with it some interesting projections. Two new reports have recently been issued both of which foresee capacity crunches in the port sector. 

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    Calling the shots on continued congestion


    The recent Coastlink Conference in Dublin was the focus of much discussion about the thorny subject of congestion – the problems and potential solutions. There was clearly a perception from the conference as a whole that “ congestion is back and likely to get worse before it gets better in ...

  • News

    Is there a danger of diseconomies of scale?


    Economic theory and practice tells us that economies of scale have the potential to increase both consumer and producer welfare. Yet there are limits to the advantages that they can bring. 

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    Wrangles over proposed Dharma port


    Indian steel manufacturing giant Tata has stoutly defended its plans for a new steel and ore port at Dhamra, in the eastern Indian province of Orissa, in the face of environmental protests.