Finance, Legal & Insurance – Page 20

  • Port Strategy: DP World’s London Gateway will add an additional 3.5m teu to the UK’s port capacity

    Turning of the tide


    As the economic tide ebbs, terminal operators continue to invest for the future, writes Patrik Wheater

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    Top tips for an effective incentive scheme


    The UK could undoubtedly be more competitive if employers offered their employees more incentives, according to the MacLeod Report under its title ‘Engaging for Success’. Produced by independent reviewers David MacLeod and Nita Clarke for the Department for Business Innovation and Skills, the report suggests that the relationship between employees ...

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    Finns find hard cash motivational


    Like a snowball rolling downhill, gathering snow and pace along the way, Finland is moving fast towards a ‘no-smoking’ culture.

  • Port Strategy: Bonuses for productivity can become worthless in an economic downturn

    Shoot for the moon


    People influence profitablity – but getting the best from them doesn''t have to cost, writes Stuart Pearcey

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    Occupation rights


    Certain jurisdictions (including England and Wales) have laws which provide for commercial occupiers to acquire rights to automatically renew rights to occupy land and buildings that have been occupied for specific periods.

  • Port Strategy: Concessionaires should ensure full rights of access to and from the terminal or port

    The real estate question


    Christian Taylor shines the spotlight on land and real estate interests in concession agreements

  • Port Strategy: Marsh advises ports to consider pollution risks, such as those involved in dredging. Credit: DEME

    Environmental insurance on the cards


    Marsh has been exploring the use of environmental insurance to manage potential pollution liabilities associated with ports and terminal operations.

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    Check the small print


    In these less frenetic times, everyone from customers to customs has more to time to read the small print.

  • Port Strategy: "Undoubtedly there will be a certain amount of cost-cutting or reduced maintenance, although we haven’t seen anything coming through that would suggest that has been an operational or, indeed, insurance risk," Peregrine Storrs-Fox, TT Club

    Claims camouflage


    As trade volumes have fallen and times have become less frenetic, port insurance claims have slowed, reports Felicity Landon

  • Port Strategy: Accurate figures on workplace incidents in ports can sometimes be hard to come by

    Safe and sound


    HFW''s Flora Stewart asks if the disjointed safety regimes in place in the UK go far enough to protect dockworkers

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    Taking steps to mitigate risks


    There are a number if steps port can take to protect themselves against the increased risks that exist under the new EU regime.

  • Concession concerns, such as those that plagued the Pireaus process, could be a thing of the past

    Tender trials


    Anthony Woolich examines how a new EU directive could lay bare port tender processes

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    The worth of adding value


    Investors are looking for that “added value” ingredient in a port project, according to consultant Nigel Nixon.

  • Port Strategy: "It come down to making sure your project or proposal fits into Europe’s priorities – the challenge is understanding what those priorities are," Richard Morton, Jura Associates

    The European dimension


    Interreg funds for regional cooperation projects; Structural and Cohesion funds; TEN-T funds for infrastructure projects; Marco Polo and Motorways of the Sea funds for shifting freight on to shortsea shipping ... no wonder many ports give up at the first hurdle of applying for European Union funding.

  • Port Strategy: "Investors will be looking to see whether the port is handling large volumes, and how captive those volumes are for that particular port," Jos van de Leur, MTBS

    Back to basics


    Ports looking to position themselves to secure finance would do well to go back to basics, Felicity Landon advises

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    Protecting your 'human capital'


    A certain level of staff turnover can be healthy in order to refresh ideas, creativity and innovation, says Stephen Swailes, senior lecturer in HR management at Hull University Business School.

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    Capital gains


    Why not get your people involved in the capital of the company?

  • “What is the point in putting in flexible working arrangements if that isn’t really what people are interested in?” Paul Keelan, PriceWaterhouseCooper

    Minding the staff


    What’s on your employees’ minds? If you don’t know, you might risk losing the best of them, warns Felicity Landon

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    The DAB selection guidelines


    When choosing between a full term DAB or an ad-hoc DAB the parties should balance the advantages and disadvantages of each. The following factors should be considered:

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    An even keel


    Peter Smith and Catherine Gates discuss the worth of Dispute Adjudication Boards for port construction contracts