Finance, Legal & Insurance – Page 15

  • Hurricane Sandy led to a large amount of BI claims

    Sorry to interrupt


    Business interruption insurance is an obvious ‘must’ for ports, as Felicity Landon explains

  • Do services at Europe's ports need standardising? Credit: Patrik Rastenberger/NEFCO

    Addressing EU inconsistencies


    HFW''s Anthony Woolich and Eliza Petritsi anticipate the arrival of Europe''s revised port policy legislation

  • Liebherr does not expect port manufacturer equipment leasing to dominate financing any time soon

    Do your homework


    While finance is still out there for equipment purchases, only the diligent and persistent will secure it, finds Alex Hughes

  • Bremenports' draws up annual training plans for each employee

    Catering for the next generation


    Ongoing education and training, in the form of a wide range of technical and personal training courses, plays a key role at bremenports.

  • Training needs to instil as much port knowledge as possible

    Live and learn


    Vocational qualifications are described as the ‘ideal tool’ for the ports industry. Felicity Landon reports

  • Proposed UK pilotage revisions have international ramifications. Credit: Hans Splinter

    The clash of two pilot regimes


    Questions have been asked about how the draft UK Marine Navigation Bill (No.2) – currently under UK Parliament consultation – sits with existing international pilotage regulatory framework.

  • Fears are that UK pilotage might now be placed 'in the hands of a deck boy, the cook or the man on the street'. Credit: Duncan C

    Playing the pilot


    HFW''s Joseph Botham explains why proposed UK pilotage changes have global influence

  • DP World profits saw a 10% rise in 2012

    DP World see profits rise in 2012


    DP World announced that its 12 month profit to the end of 31 December 2012 was US$749m – an increase of 10%, largely due to strong operational performance, effective asset management and continued investment.

  • The instability of the Euro is a concern for contract clarity. Credit: Patrick Rasenberg

    Currency concerns


    HFW''s Costas Frangeskides and Ben Atkinson discuss the pitalls of a unstable Euro

  • Private equity was not a panacea for UK ports. Credit: Erik Baurdo

    Finding a suitable match


    Whether a good or bad thing, some ports are more prone to funds’ attentions than others.

  • OTPP's investment in container terminals was just a down payment on the port’s expected 30 year income

    Calling the shots


    The devil is in the detail when it comes to accepting private equity funding, finds Stevie Knight

  • A geographically decentralised cloud service might not allow for the legally-required physical inspection of tax related data

    Legal issues darken skies


    The leap forward in cloud technology has, unfortunately, outstripped its legal framework.

  • Software comes into its own when dealing with unplanned changes to cargo handling requirements

    Taking the stress out of change


    You work out your schedule and detailed workforce requirements based on ship arrival times, cranes deployed, number of gang hours required, even how many containers require twist-locking and how many don’t – and then everything changes.

  • News

    Dealing with stalled knowledge transfer


    Knowledge management and how knowledge – especially tacit knowledge – can be captured and easily transferred to other staff is an area that receives little coverage in workforce management, according to Dr Stephen Cahoon at the Australian Maritime College.

  • Poor labour management can lead to underperformance

    Optimising the team


    Right people, right place, right time – Felicity Landon finds out why ports are turning to software to manage labour

  • Ports can buy CBI cover to protect against outages of key utilities, such as electricity. Credit: Port of San Diego

    Covering all angles


    Whereas Business Interruption insurance cover is closely linked to an assured''s Property Damage cover, Contingent Business Interruption is a related form of cover which does not depend upon physical damage to the assured''s own property.

  • Port operators should consider the appropriate blend of PD, BI and CBI cover to cater for their exposures. Credit: Marcus Metropolis

    Beyond backyard damage


    HFW''s Costas Frangeskides and Ben Atkinson discuss business interruption insurance for port operators

  • News

    The GDP rollercoaster screams on


    S&P is forecasting a US growth rate of 2.2% for 2012, but looking ahead things could get worse before they get better.

  • The Port of Oakland comes in with an “A+” rating, raised from “A” in September, 2012. Credit: Jay Galvin

    The rating game


    Ratings take the guesswork out of port financials, as Barry Parker discovers

  • Weather-related delays virtually doubled the cost of the Gorgon LNG project

    From the ground up


    HFW''s Brian Rom discusses the perils of weather and latent conditions on port development projects