Finance, Legal & Insurance – Page 23

  • News



    An unstable operating environment gives port operators the opportunity to re-visit and in some cases even re-write existing contracts, as Matthew Gore explains

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    Will Dubai visa rule change mean labour shortage?


    There''s likely to be a rush of would-be employees from the sub-continent and beyond seeking work in the burgeoning port of Dubai in the spring and early summer.

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    Make your CV tell an exciting story


    No-one''s CV should be a novel, but it needs to be novel to get you noticed, recruitment specialists and entrepreneurs agree.

  • Port Strategy: In an economic downturn employers need to provide the right kind of incentives to make sure employees don't take valuable skills elsewhere, leaving companies exposed when the upturn comes

    Take a lesson from the unlikeliest 'tiger economy'


    Port operators should take advantage of the downturn to capture proven employees, as Stuart Pearcey explains

  • Port Strategy: the Asian Development Bank plans to inject capital into the region, but how much will countries like Hong Kong (pictured) get for its ports?

    Asian bank looks to increase capital


    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) says it plans to help the region overcome current and long-term difficulties by adopting similar strategies to those developed during the Asian meltdown of 1997-98.

  • Port Strategy: Fitch's downgrading of Cleveland-Cuyahoga revenue bond rating does not bode well for the financial health of the industry

    All quiet on the lending front


    There are few signs that liquidity is returning to the world of port finance, as Mike King discovers

  • Port Strategy: "There is a lot of insurance security out there looking for market share," - Julien Hubbard, Tysers



    When Hutchison Port Holdings moved its insurance into the open market from the TT Club in summer 2008, the spotlight shone brighter than ever on the diversity of insurers active in this sector, including newcomers making a strong pitch.

  • Port Strategy: TT Club's Jones is getting to the root causes of claims

    Containerport Insurance


    Insurers are working with operators and equipment suppliers to upgrade shore safety, keep cranes on track, and cut claims right back, finds James Brewer

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    Crane simulators


    Mersey Maritime, Drake Port Distribution Services and technology supplier AIMS Solutions (Liverpool) Ltd are collaborating on a radical new training programme for port operators under the ''Quay Skills'' banner.

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    Simulators: use this one, not the previous!!!


    With training simulators now more affordable than ever, should ports still be risking on-the-job training? Alex Hughes investigates

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    Vyborg investment


    Karsten Saethre, associate director specialising in shipping, offshore and logistics at DnB NOR''s London branch, believes that relatively stable cash flow based on the high barriers to entry, and a volume depending on a wide range of different import and export types are key characteristics that continue to make port ...

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    Second tier opportunities


    "Second tier" ports that support local requirements and offer feeder or regional capability are particularly attractive options for investment, according to James Sutcliffe, chief executive at UK-based Port Evolution Management.

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    Who dares invest?


    With trade heading down and credit now a rarity, who will be investing in port projects this year? Felicity Landon reports

  • Port Strategy: "We are confident that financing remains available for port projects" Nasir Khan, Ports America chief development officer

    The main attractions


    The global crunch has hit hard and fast, but there are still reasons to be cheerful as Felicity Landon finds out

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    More caution


    There is still an appetite for financing the stronger port projects going forward, but banks and equity providers will be more cautious towards projects with higher risk profiles, says Karsten Saethre, associate director specialising in shipping, offshore and logistics at DnB NOR''s London branch.

  • Port Strategy: "I suspect you would find it hard to get anything other than the refinancing of an existing facility done terribly easily." Mark Lloyd Williams, Norton Rose

    Safer than houses?


    Is finance still available for port expansions and acquisitions? The answer appears to be yes but it will cost more and it will be harder to get. Felicity Landon reports

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    Enjoy the holiday


    When it comes to the UK Marine Bill''s provisions, Louise Gowman''s advice to ports is: "Enjoy the holiday while it lasts!"

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    Marine Bill


    The UK''s Marine Bill promises ports a streamlined planning process - surely something to be welcomed in an industry used to fighting its way through a planning quagmire. So what''s the catch? Felicity Landon reports

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    Legal Eagles - rates row


    To pay or not to pay? The row over massive backdated business rates demands that broke out in Hull this summer is set to roll its way round the UK. Felicity Landon reports on the legal implications

  • Port Strategy: "we can guarantee the availability of cranes" Boon Hoe Ooi, Portek

    Credit in the crunch


    Getting credit for cargo handling equipment in the current financial climate need not be too much of a problem with manufacturers offering a number of finance deals, reports Patrik Wheater