Finance, Legal & Insurance – Page 22

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    Interesting openings


    Doing business in new locations can be a legal and financial minefield, as Stevie Knight finds out

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    Dealing with lines


    Matthew Gore explains how to deal with shipping lines who do not pay bills promptly

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    The law's no ass


    The applicable law is the legal system that applies to the contract or standard terms and the applicable jurisdiction is the court system which has power to adjudicate over disputes.

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    Government funding now the norm


    Worldwide, the role of government is increasing. In the US, discussions of infrastructure funding are dominated by conversations about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ("ARRA", or "The Stimulus Bill") of 2009.

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    The US perspective


    The view on the US markets comes from Joe Seliga, a Chicago-based Partner at law giant Mayer Brown, representing CenterPoint Properties in Virginia.

  • Port Strategy: when funds sold out of New York/New Jersey, the issue of exit penalties came to the fore

    Waking up to exit tariffs


    With PPPs gaining favour in the US, an unsaid implication reveals much about the tentative state of the infrastructure market.

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    Barry Parker PPP Overview 1400 plus US Infra 700


    Barry Parker attempts to clear the financial fog shrouding port investment

  • News

    Love thy neighbour


    The business world has witnessed unprecedented collaboration between competitors during the economic downturn that would have seemed unthinkable a few years ago.

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    Evaluating the options


    HFW''s Connie Chen discusses restructuring port investments in the current economic climate

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    Clearer skies


    Tentative signs of recovery are starting to emerge, as Carly Fields finds out

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    Finding the elusive alternative revenue stream


    While there is no ''quick fix'' from the stimulus packages, there is considerable scope for "new initiatives" as some governments are keen to support innovative technologies and new sources of energy to modernise infrastructure.

  • Port Strategy: While Barack Obama's US stimulus package appears more highly developed and transparent than other packages, the finer details are still being approved

    Can ports and terminals benefit from government stimulus packages?


    Can ports and terminals really benefit from government stimulus packages? Mark Wandless and Cé cile Schlub find out

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    Keeping the skills


    A key theme among ports is the desire to keep their skills and expertise wherever possible through the downturn, says John Bradshaw, business development manager at Rostima.

  • Port Strategy: "It is important for a port operator to track performance in any situation," Dave Quennell, Jade

    Tracking performance in the tough times


    Not so very long ago, tracking productivity was an essential tool in managing congested ports. So what is its relevance now, asks Felicity Landon

  • Port Strategy: "It is open to concessionaires to negotiate a much better deal under concession agreements than they have been able to do before now," Samantha Roberts

    A concessionaire's market


    After years of dictated terms, concession seekers now have the upper hand, as Samantha Roberts explains

  • Port Strategy: Maersk's moves to liberalise THCs this year met with criticism from shippers

    Maersk tackles THC transparency


    The polarisation of the two sides was well illustrated by the furore earlier this year when Maersk, one of the carriers most willing to embrace charging transparency in the post-conference era, adjusted its THC system in Asia.

  • Port Strategy: Controversial handling fees charged by shippers remain a thorny subject despite the abolition of conferences. Credit: Hervé Cozanet

    polarisation at ports


    With the end of the container line conference system in Europe, the battle over terminal handling charges has now moved to Asia. Mike King examines this controversial fee

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    Green pressures


    The new European Union Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) could have a huge impact for port development projects, warns Marsh.

  • Port Strategy: Insurers will require complete settlement of reclaimed land for port development

    Growing risks


    The increasing use of pre-formed caisson units in port construction is a growing issue for insurance, says Sean Woodford of Aon''s construction team.

  • Port Strategy: The technical nature of port construction means that only a handful of insurers will cover building risks. Credit: Sydney Ports

    New dynamics


    The global economic slowdown has created some new dynamics in the insurance market for marine construction risks, as Felicity Landon discovers