Europe – Page 36

  • The CHP plant will generate significant amounts of low carbon renewable electricity and heat

    Port of Grangemouth CHP plant


    The Scottish Government has approved plans made by Forth Energy – a joint venture between multimodal port owner, Forth Ports Limited and electricity and gas supplier, SSE plc – to develop a wood fuelled renewable combined heat and power (CHP) plant at the Port of Grangemouth.

  • Antwerp – flying the flag for sustainability

    Antwerp wins environment award


    The Port of Antwerp has won another award for its efforts in sustainability – it was presented with the bronze Environment Award during the annual meeting of the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH).

  • The European Commission wants to bring Europe's ports into the 21st century

    Upgrading EU seaports


    Siim Kallas, European Commissioner for mobility and transport, has announced a new initiative to improve port operations and transport connections at 319 key EU seaports.

  • Maasvlakte 2 – a mighty demonstration of port power in The Netherlands

    Maasvlakte 2 opens


    The Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and Environment opened the port expansion project Maasvlakte 2 this week - phase 1 of the project has worked out €150m cheaper than estimated.

  • Venue: The Port of Liège is up there in the top three European inland ports

    Getting SMARTer with waterways


    The biennial Strategic Maritime Asset Research and Transformation Rivers Conference (SMART) will once again look at bringing together the best in inland waterway transport and technology to share best practice.

  • Inland Waterways

    The role of inland ports in urban logistics: back to basics


    We all learned it in our history lessons that medieval towns were set up on the river banks or at the crossing of two waterways. This is not without any reasons, at that time, water was the only way to bring goods to the town and the only way to ...

  • The MEPC will discuss further guidelines on energy effiency measures

    MEPC meets for 65th session


    The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) will meet for its 65th session from 13 to 17 May 2013, where it will discuss energy efficiency regulations and the ballast water management and ship recycling treaties.

  • Italy's renewable energy sector has the most potential to grow in Europe, says Mergermarket

    Italian energy sector attracts investors


    The renewable energy sector in Italy continues to attract investors despite the economic uncertainties and regulatory constraints, according to merger and acquisition (M&A) data provider, Mergermarket.

  • 35th Motorship Propulsion & Emmissions conferenece has concluded successfully in Copenhagen

    A very successful P&E conference


    The 35th Motorship Propulsion & Emissions Conference in Copenhagen last week was deemed a great success by all who attended.

  • Rotterdam wants to get better with bunkering Photo: Port of Rotterdam

    Rotterdam bunker collaboration


    The bunker sector has taken a further step to help ensure that quality and quantity of bunkering supplied in the Port of Rotterdam can be better guaranteed by entering into a new collaboration.

  • Antwerp has joined the EFIP

    Antwerp joins EFIP


    Members of the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) officially endorsed the Port of Antwerp as a new member at its latest meeting in Vlissingen in The Netherlands.

  • Victor Marine’s system is unique “because it has a very small footprint”.

    Victor Marine sewage treatment


    The UK’s Victor Marine Ltd has developed a new Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for the marine market which complies with the latest IMO Resolution MEPC 159(55). The full system is also Bureau Veritas type tested and approved.

  • European Parliament backs Commission proposal for safer shipping, but votes against creation of fund for recycling.

    EU Parliament rejects ship recycling fund


    Yesterday, the European Parliament rejected the proposal to introduce a levy on all ships calling at EU ports that would finance a fund to support sustainable recycling of ships.

  • The RTG has a lifting capacity of 45 tonnes

    Gantry crane for Port of Kiel


    Germany’s Port of Kiel has received a new Kalmar rubber tyred gantry crane (RTG) for the intermodal terminal, Ostuferhafen, which promises to speed up loading.

  • The CleanBallast has received AMS approval

    AMS approval for RWO CleanBallast


    Germany subsidiary of Veolia Water Solutions and Technologies, RWO Marine Water Technology’s CleanBallast has received Alternate Management System (AMS) approval.

  • EMSA will continue to combat pollution caused by ships

    €160.5m funding to combat pollution


    The European Commission has proposed that the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) receive funding of €160.5m over a period of seven years to continue work to combat pollutions at sea.

  • The EC needs to define its climate change and energy policy framework for 2030

    EC develops new 2030 policy framework


    The European Commission (EC) has begun the development of a 2030 framework for EU climate change and energy policies with the adoption of a Green Paper to launch a public consultation on the content of the framework.

  • The new lock gates support the emerging windfarm and renewable energy supply chain

    Grimsby encourages renewables expansion


    The installation of new lock gates at the UK''s Port of Grimsby has attracted new investors, supporting the emerging renewables industry in North East Lincolnshire.

  • The fourth 'Gas Fuelled Ships Conference 2013' will take place onboard the 'Viking Grace'

    Live LNG bunkering at Gas Fuelled Ships 2013


    At this year’s ‘Gas Fuelled Ships Conference 2013’, which is taking place onboard Viking Line’s ‘Viking Grace’, delegates will have the chance to experience live ship-to-ship bunkering.

  • Map showing the Raz Blanchard tidal hotspots

    Eco energy for France


    Delphine Batho, France’s Minister of Ecology has outlined the first concrete steps to accelerate the development of marine energy in the country.