Europe – Page 33

  • The adoption of the Polar Code marks a milestone in the IMO's work to protect vessels in the harsh polar regions

    IMO adopts Polar Code


    The IMO has adopted the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) and related SOLAS, marking a major milestone in its work to protect ships and people aboard them in the harsh polar regions.

  • Patrick Verhoeven, secretary-general, ECSA, says shipowners "should not be disproportionately penalised". Photo: ECSA

    EU shipowners call for scrubber clarity


    European shipowners are calling on EU Member States to adopt a clear, long-term position on the issue of the discharges of washwater by open-loop scrubber technology, ahead of the EU Sulphur Directive.

  • The survey will monitor the economic impact of the 0.1% sulphur requirements for shipping in the European SECAs

    Sulphur survey launched by EU shipowners


    European shipowners have launched a survey to monitor the economic impact of the 0.1% sulphur requirements for shipping in the European Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs), due to enter into force on 1 January 2015.

  • The Port of Koper – winner of the 2014 ESPO award

    Koper wins ESPO award


    The Port of Koper was awarded this year’s European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) in recognition of its work in creating a sustainable future for the port and its surroundings.

  • This year's GFS conference will take place from 25 to 27 November 2014 in Stavanger, Norway

    GFS 2014 keynote address confirmed


    The keynote address for this year’s Gas Fuelled Ships Conference (GFS) will be given by Jaroslaw Kotowski of the European Commission Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and will focus on ‘Encouraging LNG as a bunkering solution in Europe – Infrastructure’.

  • Rotterdam congestion: Delays are easing but schedule reliability has been affected

    Rotterdam congestion eases but reliability knocked


    Delays are starting to ease at the Port of Rotterdam because of the short term measures put in place last month, but new research shows that schedule reliability to the port plummeted this summer because of the congestion.

  • “The port of Barcelona is very proud and honoured to host GreenPort Congress and GreenPort Cruise Conference in October,” says Mr Garcia-Milà

    Focused on enlarging and strengthening the hinterland


    The port of Barcelona is a crucial transport and services infrastructure in the Euro-Mediterranean area. On 14-17 October, the port will be hosting the 9th GreenPort Congress and 2nd Cruise Conference. GreenPort Editor, Daniëlla Arbyn Havugimana spoke with the Deputy Director General of the port of Barcelona, Santiago Garcia-Milà.

  • Congestion troubles at Rotterdam means some cargo is being diverted to nearby ports. Photo: Roman Boed

    Rotterdam takes action


    As the shipping season reaches its peak, the Port of Rotterdam is seeing an increase in congestion, causing shipping companies to divert cargo to nearby Antwerp.

  • The European Commission is supporting key infrastructure projects with over €320m. Photo: Patrick Rasenberg

    EU supports key infrastructure projects


    More than €320m is being put aside for improving transport infrastructure across Europe as part of the last calls of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T) programme.

  • The environmental aid will go to Finnlines Oyj, Viking Line Abp, and NLC Ferry Ab Oy (Wasaline)

    Finland funds environmental upgrades


    The Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications has set aside €4.5m to help with costs related to sulphur scrubbers and the modification of fuel systems on ships.

  • News

    Baltic ports management merger


    The owners of the Swedish and Finnish harbours, Umeå and Vaasa, have set up a joint company, Kvarkenhamnar AB to takeover management of the ports in January 2015.

  • This year, the ESPO Award on Societal Integration of Ports is focussing on ‘Innovative environmental projects’

    Are you the next ESPO Award winner?


    The 6th European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) Award on Societal Integration of Ports from the will be addressing innovative port projects that lead to environmental improvement for the benefit of the wider port and local community.

  • The ports will collaborate on LNG, shore-side power and ship-generated waste

    Baltic Sea ports join forces


    The EU ports of Stockholm and Tallinn are joining forces to improve the environment in the Baltic Sea, focusing on future fuels, the management of ship-generated waste and the shore-side power.

  • The port is located close to the city centre of Ystad

    The need for environmental regard and investment


    The port of Ystad plays, due to its strategic position, an important role in the transportation flow between Scandinavia and Sweden and East- and Central Europe, and it is one of Ystad''s most important enterprises. Björn Boström, CEO of the port of Ystad explains.

  • The European Parliament has approved a Directive for Maritime Spatial Planning

    EU approves Maritime Spatial Planning legislation


    The European Parliament approved a Directive for Maritime Spatial Planning which should help Member States develop plans to better coordinate the various activities that take place at sea, ensuring they are as efficient and sustainable as possible.

  • Aerial Ringaskiddy

    The port of Cork’s future plans for redevelopment


    Since it first developed its Environmental Management System in 2006, the Port of Cork can now demonstrate the significant progress that has been made in managing and reducing the impact of its port operations on the environment, says Finbarr Kearney, Environmental Officer at the Port of Cork Company.

  • Yara will add emission control to its portfolio

    Yara expands with GTM acquisition


    Yara International is expanding its offering after acquiring a 63% stake in Green Tech Marine (GTM), a sulphur oxide (SOx) scrubber supplier.

  • MEPC 66 in progress at IMO HQ

    MEPC completes 66th session at IMO


    IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) met for its 66th session from 31 March to 4 April 2014, at IMO Headquarters in London.

  • News

    BWM Convention problems go unsolved


    The global shipping industry is concerned about “serious” implementation problems associated with the IMO Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention, which governments chose to gloss over at the recent MEPC meeting.

  • News

    ICS pledges support for IMO emissions reporting


    The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has pledged its support for an IMO-managed system to monitor and report on the level of CO2 emissions from ships globally.