All articles by Dave MacIntyre – Page 5
Jury out on PM fenders
Dave MacIntyre and Iain MacIntyre consider the future for PM type fender systems.
Approvals or assumptions?
Ports really need to know more about the fendering and mooring options they choose.
Newcastle Fender Study
Last month’s Port Strategy highlighted the importance of fender research, something that Australia’’s Newcastle port heartily supports.
The horse’s mouth
Dave MacIntyre learns it’s best to go direct to get the definitive line on best fender practise.
Oz Feature
Hemmed in and battling congestion, Australian ports are in a state of flux, as Dave MacIntyre and Iain MacIntyre report.
Time for change
Tauranga boss Mark Cairns talks candidly to Dave MacIntyre about why he believes there is a pressing need for an overhaul in New Zealand port ownership.
Walking the environmental tightrope
Just how hard it is for port executives to plan ahead and get traction for major new development, in an era when environmental concerns are paramount?
Sydney Third Terminal Operator
Just as all hope seemed lost, Sydney’’s incumbent operators find they may yet be invited to the Botany concession hoedown.
Design and Deliver
Fender specialists advise that taking take a holistic look at berthing aids will give long term solutions.
First hurdle fall
New Zealand’ s two key ports have walked away from the merger negotiating table, but at what cost?
Deepening Woes
Melbourne’s much-needed dredging programme is still a long way off becoming a reality.
Breaking the mould
HPH’ s muscling in on the Brisbane scene could have far-reaching implications for Australia’ s operations sector.
Riding the dry bulk wave
Australian ports are steaming ahead with expansion plans as cargo throughput surges.
Team up or bail out
New Zealand’s ports are told to consolidate or risk losing out to the Australians in the battle for booming Asian cargo.
Buffer against competitive failure
With bigger vessels in the offing for the main East-West trades, and the “cascade effect” showering incumbent vessels down to some of the feeder routes, what are the implications in terms of fendering requirements?
Benchmarking to get ahead
How does a port or terminal go about determining how good it is? Does it benchmark - against its nearest rival, a world league table, or what?
From Engineering to Operations
Portek’s chief, Larry Lam is making inroads into terminal operations. He spoke to Dave MacIntyre.
‘Deepening’ concerns
Dave MacIntyre analyses how Pt Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS) has to be a mix of commercial operator, diplomat and pressure group to achieve its strategic ambitions.
New Zealand: Whither ports after mergers?
Merger and acquisition activity has left New Zealand’s main container ports facing months of uncertainty.
Partnerships underpin Mayson’s Port Strategy
Dave Macintyre talks to Tauranga’s Jon Mayson about his passionate commitment to strategic cooperation and much else of value to publicly-owned ports and their prospective partners.