Asia – Page 89

  • News

    Cosco to invest in Tianjin


    During the past year, 1,100 new longshoremen were hired, increasing employment for an industry that already supports 228,000 jobs in the region.Cosco Pacific, the Hong Kong-based subsidiary of China's largest shipping line, has signed a memorandum of understanding to take a 50% stake in the construction of six new berths ...

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    Hong Kong needs CT 10


    During the past year, 1,100 new longshoremen were hired, increasing employment for an industry that already supports 228,000 jobs in the region.Hong Kong needs to build Container Terminal 10 after Kwai Chung's CT9 has come fully on stream by 2005, to raise its long term competitiveness, the head of the ...

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    Busan back on track


    The South Korean port of Busan expects to be back to its previous operational state by April following repair to major damage inflicted by Typhoon Maemi last September. Eleven quayside gantry cranes had to be withdrawn for repair with two already back in operation by the end of 2003. All ...

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    Japanese promote efficiency


    The Japanese Transport Ministry is to introduce three pilot projects aimed at streamlining container handling. Five ports are under consideration as being suitable locations for the trials, these being Tokyo-Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka-Kobe, Kita-Kyushu and Fukuoka.

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    New Mooring terminal to go ahead


    The government of Bangladesh has ratified a contract awarded to China Harbour for the construction of the New Mooring container terminal at the port of Chittagong at a cost oUS$134m. Once built, the one million TEU/year facility will have a private operator appointed.

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    Gwadar project could help or hinder regional stability


    According to governmentissued projections, the Pakistan-China joint venture to build a $248m deep-sea port at Gwadar will be completed by March 2005.

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    Indonesia cracks down on monopolies


    Hutchison and stateowned Pelindo II controlled Jakarta Container Port may be forced by the Indonesian anti-monopoly agency to terminate its operations on competition grounds.

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    Paradip to build berths


    Paradip port trust has invited expressions of interest for the construction of two new berths which will be taken forward on a BOT basis.

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    Singapore talks tough


    However, KPA is seeking proposals from private sector companies wishing to invest in port facilities as a means of ensuring that infrastructure work can be implemented as soon as possible.Singapore's senior minister and former prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, has stated the island republic will not lose any more container ...

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    Java's new BIP port gets lift-off


    Construction of the Bojonegara International Port (BIP), west of Jakarta, began in December with the inauguration of the project in Banten by President Megawati Soekarnoputri.

  • Fatigue develops gradually . . .

    Dangers of excessive working hours


    Hong Kong''s Marine Department has warned of the dangers of fatigue due to excessive cargo handling. It quotes two recent accidents - one fatal and the other resulting in permanent disability - in which fatigue played a key role. The victims had been working for extended periods of 21 hours ...

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    PM urges lines


    Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has called upon international shipping lines to choose container terminals in Malaysia over those in neighbouring Singapore.

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    China planning new LNG terminals


    China is considering developing three new LNG terminals, one at Qingdao and two near Shanghai. Energy planners expect gas demand in the eastern coastal provinces to hit 37bn cbm/year by 2015, an average annual growth rate of 12.5%. Sinopec, one of China''s largest oil companies, is leading development effort in ...

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    Logistics park for Qingdao


    Hong Kong-listed China Merchants Holdings and the government of Qingdao are to jointly develop a $500m, international logistics park in Qingdao. The project includes the development of seven container and multi-purpose berths as an integrated terminal and logistics facility that extends port services into the supply chain.

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    First berth of YICT's Phase III operational


    Phase III at Yantian International Container Terminals (YICT) has opened its first berth and piloted its " Next-Generation System" which will gradually replace the existing terminal operation control system. nGen has been jointly developed by YICT and Hongkong International Terminals to cope with the increasing demand of terminal operations.

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    TAMP frees ports to set tariffs


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    Deepwater port at Van Phong


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    LNG terminals for India


    The Petronet consortium is due to open a new LNG terminal at Dahej by the end of the year. It has also acquired 400 acres of land at the port of Kochi, where preliminary studies have been completed for construction of a second LNG terminal, which should begin in December.

  • News

    Chittagong rejects accusations


    Chittagong Port Authority chairman Shahadat Hossain has rejected accusations from western countries that Chittagong is both hazardous and expensive.