Alternative Fuels – Page 57
LNG ships actually work
The first day of the fourth Motorship Gas Fuelled Ships conference concluded with tours of the ‘Viking Grace’ machinery rooms and the GE-sponsored conference dinner.
Operational experience with gas fuelled ships
Kari Granberg of Viking Line returned to the podium at the fourth Gas Fuelled Ships conference to talk specifically about the ''Viking Grace''.
The economics of gas fuelled ships
The Gas Fuelled Ships conference continued through the morning onboard the Viking Line cruise ferry ‘Viking Grace’
Gas fuelled ships are a global solution, says GFS4 chairman
The 4th Motorship Gas Fuelled Ships conference has begun, on the ''Viking Grace'', sailing out of Stockholm en route for Mariehamn and Turku. Day one chairman, Martin Shaw of MOAMS, introduced the conference with his view of the prospects of LNG as a GLOBAL maritime fuel for the future, adding ...
Yamal LNG project finance
Russian independent gas provider, OAO Novatek, has received financial backing from China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and a consortium of Chinese financial institutions for its Yamal LNG project.
Braemar wins FLNG project
Braemar Engineering has been appointed as owner’s engineers for United LNG, LP in what is thought to be the world’s largest floating LNG (FLNG) production project.
Fire protection for LNG applications
PPG Industries has launched its flexible epoxy-based intumescent passive fire protective (PFP) coating, PITT-CHAR XP for use in environments such as the LNG market.
7 LNG projects win EU funding
The Trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T) Call 2012 (Multi-Annual Call and Annual Call combined) has selected seven Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) related projects to be recommended for funding.
Technip wins US FEED project
Technip is to carry out a front-end engineering and design (FEED) study for the potential expansion of the existing LNG import terminal at Lake Charles, Louisiana, US.
Indian regasification terminal
India’s Petronet LNG Limited has celebrated its first vessel call to its new terminal at Kochi, Kerala, says The Hindu.
Höegh wins FLNG pre-FEED study
Höegh LNG is to conduct a Pre-Front End Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) work for an offshore floating LNG facility (FLNG) for an Asia-based national oil company.
New Indian LNG terminal
The US regasification expert, VGS Group, is developing a new floating import LNG terminal in the Bay of Bengal in India.
Floating LNG terminal for China
China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) is said to have won final government approval to build China’s first floating terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG), a move that is expected to significantly increase imports.
US arm wrestle over LNG exports
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has authorised a third proposed facility to export liquefied natural gas (LNG), a clear sign of its commitment to the market.
New Indian LNG terminal
The US regasification expert, VGS Group, is developing a new floating import LNG terminal in the Bay of Bengal in India.
Q-Max LNG tanker for Fos Cavaou
The strategic location of the Fos Cavaou LNG terminal is paying off as it receives France’s largest ever LNG tanker.
LNG transfer in Flow
A ship-to-ship transfer operation involving liquefied natural gas (LNG) has taken place in Orkney’s Scapa Flow, off the coast of the UK.
Bunkering in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) has big plans. It wants to become a rival hub to Singapore for LNG bunkering, crew exchanges and repairs.
Bunkering in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) has big plans. It wants to become a rival hub to Singapore for LNG bunkering, crew exchanges and repairs.
EU subsidy for LNG project
The Antwerp Port Authority has received a EU subsidy for its LNG bunkering project to be used to develop and build an LNG bunkering station for barges at the port.