Alternative Fuels – Page 42
Bunkering standard backs LNG use
The first Singapore Technical Reference (TR) 56 for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) bunkering has been established to help establish Singapore port as a leading LNG bunkering hub.
Singapore opens first LNG truck facility
Singapore LNG Corporation Pte Ltd (SLNG) and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) have jointly launched Singapore’s first LNG truck loading facility.
European first for LNG regasification
Repsol and Enagás have supplied a ship LNG directly from a regasification plant, apparently the first time this has happened in Europe.
Essar wins bid for Haldia LNG terminal
India’s Essar Group has apparently won a bid to set up a 1 million tonne LNG terminal at Haldia port in West Bengal.
Port of Koper looks to LNG
Slovenia’s Port of Koper is currently looking into its LNG infrastructure on the back of Directive 2014/94/EU which was adopted with the aim of minimising dependence on oil and mitigating the environmental impact of transport.
Arctic LNG terminal swings into action
Sabetta Port has received its first ice-breaking LNG tanker which will serve Russia’s Yamal LNG project, strengthening the position of the Russian Federation in the Arctic and contributing to the development of the Northern Sea Route.
Asian LNG bunkering cooperation
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has signed a cooperation agreement with the Ports and Harbours Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan (MLIT) in order to better promote the use of LNG in the region.
Simplifying ship to shore bunkering
Houlder, Wärtsilä and Trelleborg have developed a floating transfer terminal (FTT) that will enable ship to-shore LNG bunkering without a jetty, reducing infrastructure investment for small to mid-scale projects.
Becker looks to North America
Becker Marine Systems has been chipping away at establishing itself in the North American market where it says its innovative cold ironing and LNG solutions are particularly in demand.
Promoting LNG usage
A new standard has been introduced by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) for safe and sustainable bunkering of LNG-powered ships which aims to promote the fuel''s usage, writes Alice Mason, news reporter.
LNG bunkering at JAXPORT
Construction has begun on a new LNG facility at JAXPORT’s Talleyrand Marine Terminal in Jacksonville, US, which will serve new LNG vessels currently being built for the US mainland-Puerto Rico trade route.
LNG retrofit ferry
The president of the Port of Barcelona believes that having a good LNG supply infrastructure will allow the port to attract some of the most modern and energy efficient ships.
LNG dredger for DEME
A new LNG-powered Cutter Suction Dreger is set to join the DEME fleet and will be built at Royal IHC in the Netherlands.
LNG FRSU project at Jaigarh
Hiranandani Energy (H-Energy) is setting up a LNG re-gasification project at Jaigarh, India, starting with the construction work of a jetty for the floating regasification and storage unit (FRSU) at the port.
EU support for LNG terminals
European Union Member States have agreed on the Commission’s proposal to invest €444m in energy infrastructure projects, including the strategic move to create new LNG terminals across Europe.
LNG terminal to reopen at Teesport
The LNG import terminal at Teesport in the UK looks set to reopen as Swiss commodity trader Trafigura eyes its potential as a major hub for large scale energy infrastructure projects.
LNG bunkering at Rostock
Bomin Linde LNG GmbH & Co. KG has conducted the first bunkering of a chemical tanker with LNG at a German port.
ISO standard for safe bunkering of LNG ships
The clear need to standardise LNG bunkering operations for all stakeholders at the international level has finally been recognised in a new ISO standard set up to ensure LNG-fuelled vessels can bunker in a safe and sustainable way.
SamueLNG project
The S/F SamuelLNG project, which began in Gijon, Spain on 12 December, aims to improve the sustainability of marine traffic through the use of LNG.
Tackling barriers in LNG adoption
SEA\LNG believes that in order to encourage the use of LNG as an alternative to traditional bunker fuel, a collaborative approach needs to tackle the associated commercial barriers.